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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I don't care about future picks! A franchise QB will last you 10+ years. Im tired of not having a QB while the other teams all have great young QB's with bright futures. Time to kick the bridge vet QB way and go get our QB.
  2. My man our roster overall is pretty solid. You act like we have major holes. We finally have a decent Oline, we have a great your DB, a great young pass rusher DE. What we don't have is the most important position in football which is QB.
  3. Trade up for Stroud or Young. Im totally fine with Levis or AR if we can't get the top 2. What im totally against is signing a vet QB to big money. The bridge QB leaves us in no mans land.
  4. They have flaws but they are franchise QB's. Im not just talking about those guys though we can also get our QB through the draft. Sitting on picks does no good if you don't have a legit QB. At some point you have to just go get your guy. I want Stroud, I don't care about trading picks. We need a QB!
  5. Been saying it forever. If we want our QB we have to trade picks. Sitting on picks just because doesn't improve this team. You go nowhere without a QB.
  6. That's false. Nobody wants to trade anything for any QB. You got franchise QB's like Rodgers and Lamar available and nobody wants them. We chased after Deshaun Watson but can't go after these QB's? Everybody seems comfortable staying put. This franchise is not going anywhere without a QB so it's best to go ahead and trade assets to get one.
  7. I think it's just the Cam haters. People know Cam is done playing football. They just bring him up to make people mad. I had a dude literally call me a Cam fanboy because of my username. And I never talk about bringing Cam back lol
  8. If the Bears trade Fields for that poo poo platter than they are really in trouble moving foward. They won't accept anything less than a 1st round pick. Rumors also they are keeping him and trading the 1st overall pick.
  9. As much as we talk about Carr we sure are taking our sweet time meeting with him. Is a meeting coming or is this just talk for a guy we aren't even interested in? He's been a FA for 2 weeks now.
  10. People better get used to Brissett. Carr wants a bag and we don't have the money to go after him. We don't seem interested in Rodgers/Lamar either. Brissett/Rookie QB always seemed like the most realistic option.
  11. Lamar liking pics on a Panthers page... Tepper cooking up that guaranteed contract behind the scenes! *j/k Probably just a random like for a old teammate or future teammate...
  12. Better than signing Carr for 3 years 100mil to be a bridge.lol Why are people turning down legit franchise QB's like Rodgers/Lamar but saying Carr is the better option like what?
  13. If Carr isn't the guy why are we spending 100mil for 3 years on a guy that's just a bridge? Doesn't make sense my man. Either Carr is the guy and you pay him big money or you just draft a QB.
  14. He took his mom to the negotiating table with a franchise Baltimore that is not known for paying big money to their players. It is reported they offered him 133 mil guaranteed and they aren't willing to go any higher than that number. Lamar is stuck until he gets an agent.
  15. Which is why we should pass on Carr. He wants the bag. We don't have enough on this roster to make a run with him even in a weaker NFC.
  16. It sucks because they are 3 game changing type players in this draft and it looks like we wont get neither of them.
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