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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Cam had to fire up the crowd even during our SB run. Y'all can try to make excuses for Charlotte fans all you want, but the passionate fans are no longer a thing. Those 90's Hornets teams probably had the best crowd in Charlotte history. Those fans are now in their 60's. The newer generation didn't take the torch apparently. Charlotte is simply not a great sports city right now. It's okay to admit this.
  2. It's Charlotte the passion just isn't there like other cities. If they relocate im probably just going to become a Ravens fan. I'm not rooting for no team in Europe that's for damn sure.
  3. Population has nothing to do with fans being loud at games. The fact Charlotte has more people just shows you why the games are 50/50. Raleigh is smaller and has a more passionate fanbase. The city is together. Charlotte doesn't have that vibe. Charlotte will continue to suck at attendance because not many people really care about their local team. It's just not a sports city imo.
  4. Let it all out bro. At the end of the day Charlotte fans just aren't that passionate as other fans. The Panthers and Hornets crowds are wack. Go to a Canes game and you will understand this. Tell the family I said hi and Happy Father's Day.
  5. You do know the biggest military base in the US is located just an hour from Raleigh in Fort Bragg right? Military families are family oriented. A hour drive to games is nothing compared to traveling 3 hours to Charlotte. Cmon man there is nothing happening in Western Carolina other than Charlotte. I only go west for outdoor activities and some nature/mountain views.
  6. Raleigh has been ranked in the top 5 places to live for a decade now. I'm not talking about market size. I'm talking about the city and the environment. People in wake county are much more passionate about their sports than people in Charlotte. Just look at the crowd at Panthers games bro. The atmosphere sucks. Half the fans are fans of other teams. I didn't even mention the Hornets games which are a snooze fest.
  7. At least Raleigh offers better convenience for the surrounding counties. Most people put West are outdoors people not many care about sports. Who's a major city near Charlotte? If you say Asheville you just proved my point.
  8. Happy Father's Day to you as well. Tell the family I said hi.
  9. I joke about this all the time. No disrespect to Charlotte it's a cool city but it's the wrong location for pro sports in North Carolina. Raleigh is the heartbeat of the Carolina's. The passion is in that city. The vibe in Charlotte is more laid back. Come to Raleigh and the vibe is much more live. The people are looking for a good time and will support anything local. The Canes have the best sports crowd in the Carolina's. That's including all college sports. If the Tepper's are listening do the right thing move the team to Raleigh.
  10. I know I didn't play football at the highest level, but I was a rb for 3 years. To make the long story short my senior season I knew we had a chance to win state championship. The team we had the year before was led by our junior class. I sacrificed moving to a weaker position because I knew I had a more talented faster RB behind me. Cut the long story short we make it all the way to the last round before state championship. Early in the game I had a groin injury. But I didn't tell my teammates. I sucked it up and played until halftime. That was when my HC knew I could no longer help my team. Mind you this was in the mountains in Cherokee. It was ice cold the field felt like we were playing on cement. We would go on to lose that game by 40. My thing is at least try to play through injuries. If you hurt let the coaches bring you out the game. I always had that mindset because that was how I was coached coming up. I would never milk injuries just because my team sucked. Especially when I know I was one of the better players on the team. CMC a good guy off the field, but when I say fug him as a player I really mean it. He wasn't all in with the Panthers. I just can't respect that as a former football player.
  11. Yeah man I don't see the big deal. I played football we develop a brotherhood and I was coached to never quit on your teammates no matter how bad the situation is. I think CMC is a good person. My issue was with him milking injuries because we were in a bad situation. I can never respect that as a competitor especially from my own teammate. Some people may disagree that's fine.
  12. So in other words don't extend him now wait until he balls out. Then pay him too dollar in the off-season after his big season. Thank goodness some people aren't GM's in real life. Extend him now we get him for fair value. This guy is clearly talented. He's going to ball out and we will have to overpay if we wait. When you bring in a talented WR you sign him right away.
  13. He's soft! I don't care about your opinion. End of discussion.
  14. Hornets won't be bad for long. Brandon Miller has legit superstar talent. Kind of crazy MJ's last draft selection might have been his best. Maybe that's good news for new ownership. They have a piece they can build around.
  15. You're more than welcome to root for him on the 49ers. My opinion is only for me.
  16. Good for him. He's still soft in my eyes. I'm done here have a good day folks!
  17. Yep I am. Now accept it and move on.
  18. Well at least Melo has legit ankle problems. That Ball family is made of glass. CMC just flat out quit on the team because we were bad. The moment he was traded he becomes a new improved version of his injury prone self in Carolina. Guy is a clown in my eyes. Sorry but I will never respect a player who is not all in. Cam literally got in a bad car accident and played a few weeks later. For those who been in bad car accidents and have a vehicle flipped over you know your body becomes stiff and you can barely move for at least a week. The man was on the field! You know what teammates are all in and those who are not.
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