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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. This comment hit different. Dude was not all in his time here.
  2. No different than the Cowboys getting attention. ESPN only focuses on big name teams. If you looking for Hornets/Panthers news on ESPN that ain't the network to watch. I just watch podcast that covers our local teams at this point.
  3. You sound like those Lebron haters on social media. He's only one of the best players to ever play the game. He's been having his way for years now. The guy literally made the Lakers hire his podcast buddy JJ Redick to be his HC. Lebron has power in the NBA it's just a fact.
  4. Basically this. Weak draft, they took one of the guys who had the highest potential. Might work out might not. Weak draft who cares.
  5. There is no star in this draft. People keep forgetting this was one of the weaker drafts in quite some time. This kid has decent size and athleticism, and he can shoot the 3. I can see him developing into a 3&D stretch pf. I had him as a trade back option. We obviously liked him enough to draft at #6. Hope he works out. The real draft is next season. Let Miles walk so we can tank.
  6. Reed/Castle/Knecht seems to be the targets for the Hornets.
  7. He's from NC. But he also wants a lot of money. I'm not paying him the max which is what he would want.
  8. If you still on the huddle 22 years from now you are a legendary individual.
  9. He can flat out score the ball, but he will be a defensive liability for sure. I'm fine with Knecht we need more offense tbh.
  10. Nothing like the smell of fresh cut grass during training camp!
  11. I'm chilling. Raleigh just better than Charlotte. No big deal.
  12. San Antonio and Austin is a connected city. That's interesting. I might have to rethink San Antonio being the frontrunner for relocation. I hear Austin is very popular amongst destinations in Texas.
  13. I went to 4 of those games and they could have been much louder. The team damn near went undefeated. We should have been the loudest fanbase in the NFL. Cam mentioned this in his podcast that he had to get the crowd involved to get him going. Dude shouldn't be running around the stadium just to get the crowd to make noise. Loud crowds don't need the players help to get loud. I been to a couple of Ravens game and their crowd is louder than any Panthers game I ever attended. People say we are loud probably haven't visited other stadiums around the league. Ask Big Kat how different the Panthers crowd are compared to other stadiums. I guarantee you we are at the bottom.
  14. What does this have to do with Panthers fans not being passionate?
  15. Cam had to fire up the crowd even during our SB run. Y'all can try to make excuses for Charlotte fans all you want, but the passionate fans are no longer a thing. Those 90's Hornets teams probably had the best crowd in Charlotte history. Those fans are now in their 60's. The newer generation didn't take the torch apparently. Charlotte is simply not a great sports city right now. It's okay to admit this.
  16. It's Charlotte the passion just isn't there like other cities. If they relocate im probably just going to become a Ravens fan. I'm not rooting for no team in Europe that's for damn sure.
  17. Population has nothing to do with fans being loud at games. The fact Charlotte has more people just shows you why the games are 50/50. Raleigh is smaller and has a more passionate fanbase. The city is together. Charlotte doesn't have that vibe. Charlotte will continue to suck at attendance because not many people really care about their local team. It's just not a sports city imo.
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