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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I agree with this. Having a #1 WR already on the roster would have been crucial for the rookie QB. Brown is great but he plays the least important position of the 3 players.
  2. If Young was 6'3 he would be getting Trevor Lawrence hype. It's hard to imagine because he's in a kid body.
  3. This 100% The dude has too much pride to take a backup spot. He can be a backup but his days of being a starter are over sadly. He can be a better version of Taysom Hill in that type of gadget player role. Go to the Chiefs win a SB and be a gadget player. At least you still have some type of role in the NFL.
  4. And this is why we should be all over Hopkins. His contract is not going to hurt us. Elite players get paid. Just give him a fair 3 year deal. Hopkins/Theilen for a rookie QB you couldn't ask for much better.
  5. Brady is the GOAT. Goff didn't make the playoffs. You need QB's who can move. Look at the teams in the SB both had 2 QB's who can make plays outside the pocket. Look at the elite QB's Burrow, Allen, Herbert, Hurts, Lawrence can all make plays outside the pocket. The days of a statue QB are over. Brady was the last of a dying breed. Im not saying Stroud can't do that. Im asking does he have the ability to do it on a consistent basis?
  6. Atlanta may be the best option for Cam though. That team is set up for his style of play athletic TE Pitts and a big body WR London. He's a hometown kid so he might help sell tickets. Atlanta still rebuilding so they can afford to give Cam a tryout year they have nothing to lose.
  7. I agree he's the best pure passer in this draft, but it's 2023. Your QB needs to be able to run and escape pressure when need be. Stroud for the most part is just a pocket passer. This a new era of football you have to throw on the run and get outside the pocket. Do you think Stroud has that ability to operate outside the pocket?
  8. If Cam truly wants to play again he needs to let teams know he's willing to accept a backup role. This video makes it seems like he's still set on being a starter.
  9. Im new here but I get the feeling most are done with Verge in his/her sources... I personally have no problems with insiders. Nothing else to really discuss so why not talk about some fake news ESPN does it all the time.
  10. Bryce Young is simply the best QB in this draft. He can throw in the pocket and he can throw on the run. He makes plays out of nothing. He has that "it factor". I think most want Stroud because of the size factor which is fair. But there is no debate that Bryce has a little more in his toolbox because of his ability to throw on the run and make more dynamic plays. Im happy with either at QB honestly.
  11. Is this a troll account or do you have some inside info on Cam going to Atlanta?
  12. Atlanta makes the most sense as a backup. 2 big targets TE Pitts and WR London. If he comes in as a backup he might can work his way into the starting position if he proves himself in training camp. I still think his arm is done though as much as it pains me to say.
  13. Not gonna lie I been on the Stroud bandwagon all offseason but I must admit im starting like Bryce as the pick. I been on record Bryce is the best QB in this draft. The size is the only thing that concerned me. Im just getting this weird vibe that Bryce is going to be special and have this Steph Curry like impact on the NFL level. Put him in shotgun behind this Oline and let him work. As much as I love Stroud I don't think he has a higher ceiling than Bryce. Bryce has that "it factor" despite his size.
  14. Most likely a showcase for teams to see if he still has anything left in that arm. Only way I think Cam comes back to the NFL is if he accepts a backup role. In from that video he still seems set on being a starter which is not realistic.
  15. Bro I posted that a week ago.lol That's old news. Rodgers has come out publicly and said he will be a Jets. You might want to message one of the mods and tell them to lock this thread. You made it seem like he said this today.lol
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