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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Im one of the few who were convinced Russell had the talent to play in this league. The guy simply was lazy and had a drug problem. He even said it himself when he got to the league he stopped caring. Some people have insane talent they just don't care enough about the game.
  2. Am I not allowed to have an opinion? Where was this energy when I was saying #SellOutForStroud... Now that I jumped on the Young train im starting to notice a lot more people having a problem with me. In case you didn't notice I don't have a favorite im fine with Stroud/AR if they are the pick as well. Im just saying if I had to make the pick im taking Young based on the tape. It's crazy you have to pick a side just to be cool on this sub.
  3. There have been bigger QB's who couldn't stay healthy either. It goes both ways. Look at Cam 6'6 250 and he stayed banged up throughout his short career.
  4. You guys do know we have a ignore user option right? I don't really take this board seriously, but I did have a tough time with one user who kept following me into every thread saying the same thing everyday. I simply used the ignore user option and I haven't had any problems since. Just thought I would share that. It is very helpful if you are fed up with a particular user.
  5. The people who drafted him will be fired. The cycle continues. Start thinking positive buddy...
  6. I will love you regardless. If you have a problem with me hit my DM we can chat about it and maybe I can fix whatever hate you have against me.
  7. They having a press conference tomorrow which is day 9. Bryce Young jersey is #9. Big announcement on day 9 for #9... It's all making sense.
  8. This is true. I only remember maybe 2 Young fans who felt the same. All I seen this offseason is Bryce Young is small jokes. They judging the book by it's cover. Which is what I did early in the process. But when you actually watch the film Bryce Young plays much bigger than his size. Let the doubters continue to doubt. They will be proven wrong in due time.
  9. It's all about his size. Never judge a book by it's cover... This kid will be doubted because of his size. He will use that as motivation. I love a guy with a chip on his shoulder. He's going to prove a lot of people in our fanbase wrong. He's the opposite of Cam being a smaller dude but he has a lot to prove like Cam as well. Im sold on this kid. His film made me a believer his ability to throw under pressure and on the run is special. He's the right pick.
  10. Talking to the wrong guy my man. I never had a favorite. I was fine with Young/Stroud/AR. I just thought based off film Young had the better tape than the other QB's. Im confident he will be the right guy. Throw size out the window. This kid has the "it factor".
  11. More realistic than people think although I wouldn't bet on it. I think he can be the best QB in this division though. Not sold on Carr he hasn't won a lot in his career. If Bryce can win this division and put up decent stats he has a legit shot to make the Pro Bowl. NFC QB is really average only Hurts is considered elite. Then you have guys like Stafford/Carr/Cousins/Dak. Rodgers might be in the AFC when all is said and done. Not exactly a high bar.
  12. It was Bryce Young all along. The moment we traded for the #1 pick the staff was sold on a QB. Of course we did due diligence but nobody bridged the gap. Bryce Young welcome to Carolina!
  13. Texans roster is not very good. Them taking a QB never made any sense. They have to rebuild that team before they see success. They hired a defensive coach. They need a star to build around with that defense. Will Anderson is who the Texans want. I will be shocked if they took a QB.
  14. Problem is Houston is not interested in trading up. They have a defensive coach. Will Anderson makes more sense for them. They will be in position to get a QB in next years draft. That team is not a QB away right now. They have to build their team like we did. Last thing you want is a rookie QB with nothing around him.
  15. My man if nothing else I give you credit for sticking to your guns. You seem to be riding this Stroud train till if falls off the track. I just hope you stick around when Bryce Young wins ROTY and leads this team to the playoffs in his rookie season. You will love Bryce Young when all is said and done. Hang in there my guy. Tough times don't last forever!
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