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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. The moment Bryce Young did that interview with Smitty it was a done deal he was going to be the pick. Smitty even gave hints during the interview.
  2. Man yall are insufferable. Draft is Friday if we were trading back it would have happened by now. Bryce Young is our QB.
  3. Every time I hear "you tell me" I think of Jalen Ramsey and Smitty lol
  4. My goodness dude move on! I think you replied to me just to be toxic. Im only speaking for me. I don't take football that seriously. Im not invested in players earning my respect. If they need to earn your respect then by all means let them!
  5. MJ still owns the team. No chance this happens even though it should. Hell even Udoka would be worth a call. This franchise simply doesn't make winning moves. Clifford is a good guy but this roster doesn't fit his coaching style.
  6. Im just a fan of football bro. Im 33 with my own family. Hating on players does nothing for me in life. Let them earn your respect. More power to you!
  7. Nah just @PanthersGOATFan336 Poor guy still think Stroud is the pick for some odd reason. I would bet Stroud is not even our 2nd option. AR is probably the #2 QB on our board based on those trade back rumors.
  8. Do you. Although I see no reason why fans hate on their favorite team players. Never made sense to me. But im not stopping you from hating. Be miserable!
  9. JCole lived 20 minutes away from me. Crazy how he became one of the greatest rappers of all time.
  10. He plays big on film though. Ask yourself this if this guy is so tiny why is he going to be the #1 pick in the NFL Draft?
  11. Sorry Bryce doesn't fit your image as the perfect QB. We don't judge players based on appearance. We judge them based on what they do on the field. We have a coaching staff who believe this kid is the best QB in this draft. Instead of doubting him how about start supporting him...
  12. Smitty is in love with this kid. Small guys stick together.
  13. "What football player are they gonna get" Steve Smith referring to the Panthers. He's the pick guys.
  14. One day you will wake up at peace with this. Hang in there my man. Tough times don't last forever.
  15. Bro I collect jerseys. I probably have close to 100 jerseys in my collection. The crazy part is I only have 2 Panthers jerseys out of the entire collection Cam Newton and Keyshawn Johnson. Im definitely adding Bryce Young to my collection. Only Panthers jersey I have left is Cam Newton. Bryce Young will certainly be my next purchase.
  16. Oh get ready they coming for Young just like they did with Cam. People are just miserable all they can do is hate on other successful people smh
  17. Bojangles will be in touch with this young man pretty soon. I expect to see him on some commercials pretty soon. Bryce Young Tailgate special!
  18. Get those #9 jerseys on the NFL Shop already!
  19. I think I worded that wrong. Im saying I respect my elders in general. I wasn't calling you an elder.
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