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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. You're asking the wrong guy. Im honestly not a huge fan of BBQ. I eat it maybe twice a year usually during the colder months. If you eat BBQ in the summer time you are built different!
  2. So I take it you think Stroud still has a legit chance to be drafted #1?
  3. So you mean to tell me that this Stroud suckfest will continue even after we draft Bryce Young? Brace yourselves the storm is gonna continue...
  4. LMAO dude was the one who created the thread. Then wonders why people are trolling. Gaudd I love this place! This all ends Friday.
  5. People still trying to debate these QB's when the draft is Friday. Im more shocked that some people still aren't convinced Young is the pick. All these different sources are saying he will be the pick. Yet all people want to discuss is why we should take CJ Stroud.smh
  6. Are any of those guys superstar talents? This program needs to get back to finding those 1 and done talents. Those are the difference makers. Seem like the 1 and done talents aren't even going to college anymore.
  7. Before you judge hear me out... The Hornets are in desperate need of a culture change. Draymond Green is a vet who plays winning team basketball. He's not what he once was, but he is still productive. But the main reason I think he could help the Hornets is him leading a new culture. He is a vocal guy and will hold the young guys accountable every night. Not only that he is a guy you know will have his teammates back. We need a ruff ryder on this team. We just have too many laid back guys. Hayward is supposed to be our vet leader but he's too laid back and always injured. This team needs a voice in the locker room and a guy who will change the culture of the team. Would Draymond be a good fit with the Hornets?
  8. Did he use the Jay Z line again?
  9. LaMelo should be safe in the near future. He's not turning down his first big contract. As long as we keep his best friend Bridges around we should be ok. Back to the draft this team desperately needs to land a top 3 pick. Either of the top 3 Wemby/Scoot/Miller can give this franchise a tremendous boost. We go from having 2 young building blocks to 3. This team can make a major jump if they get one of those guys. I also wouldn't be shocked if they target Draymond Green in FA. Yeah it sounds crazy but he could have a huge impact on the culture. Dude talks a lot of trash but he knows how to play winning basketball. Imagine adding either Wemby/Scoot/Miller along with Draymond in FA. We would probably win the offseason.
  10. @PanthersGOATFan336 instead of pooing all my post reply to me like a man. Stop hiding behind those emojis...
  11. So Kyler Murray has looked like a middle of the pack QB at 5'9. Not bad.
  12. I always go back to him not having a #1 WR. Kind of ironic his best passing season was with Smitty who was still a #1. Damn shame they couldn't get him a #1 WR.
  13. I stopped questioning anything about Cam when he got into that car accident and played a week later. Dude put his body on the line for this franchise numerous times. I will forever defend that dude. We failed him.
  14. My goodness you brought back childhood memories with that word.lol Hot dang it! Cmon bo!
  15. Kyler Murray seemed to played it well enough so far. Who's to say Young can't do the same or better? Injuries have more to do than just being small. Cam Newton was 6'6 250 and he stayed banged up now his career looks to be cut short at the age of 33.
  16. My goodness! Philly is easily the team to beat in the NFC. Imagine defending Hurts and Henry out of the backfield sheesh!
  17. Yeah I always thought AR is the #2 QB on our board. That's why the trade back rumors started. I think it's Young #1 or AR if they decide to trade back last moment. Either way im happy.
  18. No disrespect but I would never visit KC even if it was a free trip. What are they even famous for besides BBQ?
  19. Trade back for AR would make sense. Maybe there is a slight chance they might make a trade last moment. Honestly it depends on how much the Texans want Young.
  20. That's fair, but pretty much everybody thinks Young will be the pick. 6 more days until the draft. I would like to think the decision has already been made.
  21. This is what im saying. People try to talk down on Young as if the other QB's don't have their own flaws. I been posting all offseason and never have I downplayed Stroud/AR/Levis.
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