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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Patriots trade for Lamar Jackson on draft night.
  2. He can still do his show on YT.lol Plenty of YT creators do both Shannon Sharpe does it with Fox and YT. Doesn't hurt to have multiple ways of income coming in.
  3. Did you read my last statement...Pretty soon they will be hiring these content creators to generate more viewers and revenue. The odd guys out are the old people sadly. This is the new norm. ESPN already hired Pat. He's going to get a show pretty soon. They kicking the oldheads out for the new media guys. Look at how they are hiring all these former and current NBA players. No longer is it about being a analyst. It's about who can be the most entertaining and get clicks. Sucks for the people who actually went to school for that now they have to lose their job because they aren't entertaining enough.
  4. Yeah I wasn't saying it was a done deal. I was just saying it is being talked about as a possibility. I just don't see a park like Disney World ever being in NC. As someone mentioned earlier our weather isn't great year round like Florida.
  5. Man you guys and your sources... We have at least 20 insiders on this board yet nobody has actually broke any news before it happened. Yall sources are from reddit.
  6. I can see Richardson falling, it's the Stroud falling to 9-11 that has me puzzled.
  7. It's NBA playoffs to be fair. They usually discuss the NFL during the NFL season and playoffs. They would lose viewers if they only discussed one sport.
  8. My house is paid for my man. Life is good im betting with free money. I will bet anyone on this sub Young will be the pick.
  9. Speaking of Disney I heard on the radio today that Disney World might be coming to North Carolina. Nothing final but it's being considered as a real possibility. My guess is somewhere out West with a lot of land would probably be the location. Asheville makes sense.
  10. The Cowboys are the only team who will get National attention even without a superstar personality.
  11. Pissed about what? Charlotte NC is not a big market. I don't know why people keep expecting the media to talk about us. Even when we went to the SB the talk Nationally was about Cam. We are not a sexy market. It doesn't matter if we hold the #1 pick the media doesn't care about small markets unless you have a superstar player like a Cam or Rodgers when he played for Green Bay. Watch how Green Bay gets no media love this year with Rodgers gone.
  12. Rodgers was a big deal Nationally playing in Green Bay. I think you forget NY is the biggest media market in the US. He's definitely going to be the top topic in the league this year. Not to mention he does that Pat Mac podcast which is pretty big. He will make his weekly quotes and the media will blow it up especially the NY media.
  13. Very odd how Rodgers career is the exact same as Farve. Dude really took the same route same team.lol
  14. Yeah I don't see them winning the AFC, just too many QB's that are better than Rodgers. Rodgers would have been better off staying in the NFC. He has no shot vs the young QB's in the AFC.
  15. Top 3 pick, LaMelo, Bridges, Williams not enough talent?
  16. And a 1st in 2024 if Rodgers plays 65% of the plays. It's a lock unless he gets injured.
  17. Nope Adam Schefter said the 2nd rd pick in 2024 will be a 1st if Rodgers plays 65% of the plays. Which is basically a lock if he doesn't get injured.
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