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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. That Will Levis rumor was cute. Everybody has come back to reality now. The real insiders shut that down fast.
  2. The more I think about Bryce Young being our QB, the more I like this guy as a trade up scenario. We can use him in multiple ways as a extra blocker or receiving threat in the redzone. Getting the smallest QB in the draft and the biggest TE in the NFL would be great.
  3. Smitty hinted this during his interview. Not sure why people are trying to convince themselves otherwise.
  4. @TheSpecialJuan by far the offseason MVP. He post the relevant rumors. Only guy who posted the Bryce Young rumors from day 1 and stuck with it. Keep doing you my guy.
  5. I will be shocked if he's still on the board. He has Cowboys written all over him.
  6. They insecure cause they have a lil weenie and a 5'10 180 pound QB is packing more then them.
  7. That's what makes me think the rumor started from someone on this board. It's not hard to start a rumor on reddit.
  8. That's the spirit! Don't let these these randoms play with your intelligence. Bryce Young is OTW!
  9. I got a feeling someone on this board started that reddit rumor. They probably sitting back laughing at the chaos he/she caused today smh.
  10. Fitt just a few days ago said Young stood out above the other QB's. Cmon man don't let a random reddit insider try to convince you otherwise. Trading up to the #1 pick for Levis doesn't even seem realistic. We would be crucified if we drafted him #1. Some things just don't make sense. This fake rumor is one of those things.
  11. Do you remember the Fitt quotes a few days ago when he put Bryce Young above the rest? If Levis is the guy why didn't he single him out? Cmon guys on reddit make up fake rumors all the time. More than likely someone is trolling Levis. Get your #9 jerseys they coming in hot.
  12. Slowly and surely you are believing a random reddit rumor over the actual insiders who have all been saying Young is the pick. You're getting trolled like everyone else my man. Snap out of it!
  13. Oh my you actually believed a random rumor on reddit? It's amazing how a random person can go to reddit make up a rumor and it spreads on the internet. Meanwhile the real insiders have all been saying Bryce Young is the pick...
  14. Crazy her glow up came later in life. She looks better at 60 than she did in her 20s/30s.
  15. Hell if Johnston is on the board late in the 1st we should trade up and get him. I thought he would be the 1st WR off the board.
  16. It's a 1st round pick in 2024 if he plays 65% of the snaps. Unless he gets injured that is a guaranteed 1st round pick. Also Rodgers is not good enough to compete with the AFC QB's. Hell he had trouble in the playoffs in the NFC. For as much hype he gets he is kind of overrated in the playoffs. It's been a decade since he last played in a SB.
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