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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. This is just a bad take. It's not like Farve didn't have a good coach either. Also Andy Reid didn't start winning SB's until he got Mahomes. They help each other.
  2. Draft lottery is Tuesday. If we get a top 3 pick we will be an attractive situation for these top coaches.
  3. Yeah I admit his rookie season he didn't have much help. But that's the only season. He has had stacked WR's for a majority of his career. Crazy to think this dude played with 2 of the top 3 WR's in the league in college with Jefferson/Chase.
  4. I'll give you 1 year. But what about the other years and his college years? Jefferson/Chase cmon that's literally 2 of the top 3 WR's in the league today.
  5. He never had a Oline in Cincy.lol His Oline was bad last year. Burrow doesn't need much time to get the ball out of his hands. Chase/Higgins are open even when they are not. Then you have Mixon who is also a threat. He's got some of the best weapons in the league.
  6. This comment confused the hell out of me. Joe Burrow has had weapons on every level of football. Dude has 2 #1 WR's in college and pros.lol
  7. Yall went from trashing this dude to now he could start day 1.smh Titans have no weapons outside of Henry. He has nobody to throw to. Not sure his start will be as great as people seem to think. If they trade Henry then it will be really bad for Levis.
  8. If we talking pure talent, it's hard to say he isn't already the GOAT. Tom Brady as great as he was his game didn't really jump off the screen. He just had the great ability to win games when it mattered. He's MJ like in that regard without the flash to his game. Brady overachieved giving his skillset and I don't think any other player will ever win SB's like he did. Look at how New England fell off as soon as he left.
  9. Im fine, you're the one getting sensitive over a gif.lol
  10. Because he's average. Bryce Young is better. We made the right decision.
  11. Cam was 6'5 with a greek bod. People still hated him. It doesn't matter what you look like, haters will always be around looking for any excuse to down you. Yeah Bryce is small but he plays much bigger than his size. If you actually took time to watch the film you wouldn't be talking about his size so much.
  12. Seattle for sure that will be my vacation game. I will probably catch 2 more towards the end of the season.
  13. I disagree. Night games are the best SNF and MNF. All eyes on you from the Nat'l audience. Reminds me of my high school years. I remember playing in scrimmage games during the summer. Ain't no way players prefer day games over night games. Them lights at night shining bright hit something different.
  14. Had a bad experience as a teen at the beach. Almost drowned! From what I remember I was in chest high water and I made a step in what felt like a sinkhole. If my uncle wasn't nearby that probably would have the end for me. I was struggling to get back up for air. He grabbed me just in time. Ever since then I haven't felt the need to learn how to swim because I don't go more than waist deep water anymore. Im 33 now lol.
  15. Yeah and we got the B list network. I wanted to be on ABC dammit!
  16. Of course they put our game on ESPN.smh We can't even get all eyes on our rookie for 1 night. This is cool they will respect us down the line when Young is lighting this league on fire. Fug em!
  17. Man how are people not burnt out on his size? In reality this dude is a normal sized human.lol
  18. Not gonna lie I have heard numerous people call us the North Carolina Panthers. Most of those people are females who don't actually watch football. Still funny nonetheless.
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