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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Crazy the GOAT of basketball could never get FA's to come play for him. MJ as a owner was much like MJ the player Selfish. Too stubborn to recruit the younger generation of stars. There is no doubt in my mind if he embraced Lebron and built a relationship with him I think he could have got Lebron to come play for him in Charlotte. Instead he hated on him for most of his career. If I remember correctly Lebron's career high was against Charlotte.lol
  2. Who said anything about basketball being more popular than football? Of course football is more popular. My point was basketball is not going anywhere even if it declines. The NBA is the most popular basketball league. Honestly college basketball has been in decline for the last decade. I remember growing up we use to have college basketball parties for the UNC/Duke games. The trash talk during and after the games were fun. Then we would go to school and talk about it with the teachers. Those were the days. I honestly don't even watch much of the regular season anymore. I tune in during March Madness.
  3. It will decline sure, but the game is not going anywhere.
  4. Showing your age. I get it. It's frustrating as longtime fan. But this is the new era of college sports. We might not like it, but it's not going to change. The newer generation of fans will love it. Our time has come and gone. Embrace it we all get older. Times have changed and it will continue to change.
  5. Not everyone is miserable like you. We finally got a franchise QB and you trying to poo poo on the kid every chance you get. We are excited for a new staff and a new QB. You seem to be stuck in the past. I can't wait till we start playing games. All that Bryce negativity will stop when he's putting points on the board. Until then keep being toxic.
  6. Jumping ship is the new college basketball. The parent in me says good for the kids. They finally get to get paid by these schools. New era for sure.
  7. If Miller is knocking down effortless 3's like this in his workout there is no way MJ is passing on this kid. Watch the full video.
  8. My only bad experience with a grass field was my senior yea, we traveled up to the mountains to play Cherokee. That field was like playing on concrete. I remember not feeling my toes during and after the game. I have no idea how they play in those conditions up there.
  9. Man saw Chapel Hill and said nah this aint for me.lol
  10. We have some money to spend in FA. Any idea on who we might target? I think Kyle Kuzma would be a good fit if we draft Scoot.
  11. Yeah I think we need a new coach regardless. Clifford is not suit for a young team.
  12. Does this roster have a top 5 player in the NHL? If not they need to find a way to bring an elite talent to Raleigh.
  13. Thoughts on pursuing Kyle Kuzma in FA? This is assuming we draft Scoot of course. I think we could still use as much talent as we can get. This roster is lacking with big time scorers. Kuzma is another 20ppg game forward we can pair with Bridges in the frontcourt with Williams holding down the paint. Scoot/Melo/Bridges/Kuzma/Williams is just a bunch of guys who can get buckets and run n gun at a fast pace.
  14. Yeah im on board with the Scoot pick, but he's not going to reach his full potential playing for Clifford. I think Dantoni is exactly what we need with these 2 electric guards Melo/Scoot. Fast pace and a lot of lobs.
  15. This dude has been a top 3 QB at every level. You don't become the #1 pick and not put in the work. He has always been smart so this is not surprising that he did his homework on potential coaches. He's going to shock a lot of the doubters within our fanbase. I been on record he will have established himself as a top 3 QB in the NFC by the end of the season. A rookie leading us to the playoffs is not much more you can ask for him this year. QB play has been holding us back for years. It's surprising that we finally got a QB and people still think playoffs are not realistic this year. Hop on the bandwagon before it takes off Bryce Young is the real deal!
  16. Who are you expecting to sign in FA? If we draft Scoot I wouldn't mind going after Kyle Kuzma. That gives our guards Scoot/Melo plenty of scoring options at the wing with Kuzma/Bridges. Williams can grab all the boards and be a lob threat. That's a young athletic squad who can put points on the board.
  17. It depends if MJ sells the team. That could change quickly. Otherwise you're probably right.
  18. You keep downplaying the Heat. They were in the Finals just 2 years ago my man. It doesn't matter if they don't have big names. They play some of the best team basketball in the league. That's why they are here once again.
  19. Im still shocked we haven't fired him. If we draft Scoot we need to play a much faster pace. Hiring someone like Dantoni would make a lot more sense than Clifford imo.
  20. My man sports is entertainment. If you expecting fans to be on their best behavior and follow the rules you are sadly mistaken yourself. Fans boo the refs in all sports. This is nothing new.
  21. WTF is an educated fanbase? Dude people go to the games to cheer for their team. What does being educated have to do with a sports game?
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