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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Yeah kind of suspicious he hasn't sold the team yet. If we hit on Miller or Scoot he may just keep his majority ownership stake.lol
  2. I agree. Melo/Seth/Miller/Bridges/Mark is a nice lineup with shooting and 2 athletic lob threats in Bridges and Mark.
  3. Yep I still favor Miller, but I wouldn't be mad with Scoot either. Basically feel the same way I did with Young/Stroud. I just think Miller will bring more to the table on this roster. Scoot I feel will not reach his full potential here sharing the ball with Melo. Scoot needs the keys to run the team. That simply is not going to happen with Melo also on the team. If we do draft Scoot I think eventually Melo will be traded.
  4. "Same poo different year" Yes that comes across as you're expecting the same results from last season. This a new year my man, new staff, new QB. You being a party pooper.
  5. Update Woj just reported on ESPN that we can pencil in Brandon Miller as the #2 pick. Woj and the other draft insider both said we are leaning Miller even though Scoot workout was better.
  6. Yeah it looks to be playing out the same way. The fanbase wants Scoot, but the mocks have us taking Miller. Stroud/Scoot vs Young/Miller
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/multiple-witnesses-claim-they-saw-fighter-jets-engage-with-a-ufo-over-michigan/ar-AA1cATgV?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=438c93002b1f488d9dc9ccbc4dc96b71&ei=15
  8. Ingram misses just as many games as Zion.lol
  9. Nothing has been offered yet. They reported it on ESPN today. They said they are having talks but no offer was made as of yet.
  10. I get your point but Zion off court issue is really nothing in reality. He just making babies with adult entertainment women. New Orleans is known for their food. The Carolina's Zion is used to our food. He didn't blow up until he got to New Orleans. Go back and watch his Duke highlights dude was much more slim during his time in the Carolina's.
  11. Their desperation is they had the guy for 3 years and he has rarely played. When he plays he's phenomenal as far as production. Maybe they just fed up with his antics?
  12. There is a gamble for both sides really. There is that chance Zion gets healthy. If we get a healthy Zion we just changed our entire franchise around as we would be legit contenders with one of the brightest stars in the league. Charlotte will never get top 10 players as FA's. This is a trade im willing to gamble with. Zion is just too talented to pass up on. Also as you mentioned we also get the #14 pick we might can get another good player with that pick.
  13. It's not like star FA's are coming to Charlotte. Our best chance at a generational talent is by trade. Sure it's a gamble but what do we have to lose?
  14. Umm you have to match salaries champ.
  15. Im on the Zion train #1. The more I think about it if somehow he changed his ways we literally changed our franchise overnight. It's a gamble im willing to take. Charlotte has never had a generational talent like Zion.
  16. Looks like these rumors of Miller being the pick are becoming more real by the day. https://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/271902/Scoot-Henderson-Had-Impressive-Hornets-Workout;-Brandon-Miller-Still-The-Favorite-At-Two
  17. Zion talent can't be questioned when he plays he's productive even when out of shape. Dude just can't stay on the court.
  18. Melo/Ingram/Bridges/PJ/Williams is not a bad core.
  19. Diggs is a terrible fit with Young, Hopkins is a terrible fit with Young, what's next Devante Adams is a terrible fit with Young? I guess we need to pair a "young WR" with Young. Because all the veteran WR's are bad fits...
  20. Allen is becoming overrated if we being honest. He's been the guy for the past 2 years and he is simply not getting it done in the playoffs. I feel like that matchup with Mahommes made people think he was the next big thing. Im just trying to figure out when will he be better than Mahomes and Burrow?
  21. My goodness what is with this board and them calling every WR a diva? I feel like we shouldn't even discuss WR's because all anyone wants to talk about is them being divas. It's 2023 not 2003. I remember diva's being like TO and Randy Moss. Those guys ruined locker rooms and in Moss case in Oakland quit on his teammates. Antonio Brown was the last of the dying breed of a true diva WR.
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