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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. We simply took the wrong QB. With Stroud our future is totally different right now.
  2. Bro they said the same thing about the Texans before they drafted Stroud and hired Ryans. Do you remember they had a worst record then we had and were viewed as the worst franchise in the league at the time. You gotta believe in change man. We can change the narrative but Tepper has to stay out of the way. It seems everything he touches turns to poo.
  3. Texans got a QB and was a playoff team that same year. We just need the right HC and QB.
  4. Wait what the hell have we been doing since Tepper took over? You telling me none of that was a rebuild?
  5. What does this have to do with Frank and Canales? You overthinking this my guy.
  6. Keyshawn never played with great QBs throughout his career. Jake wasn't the first QB he threw under the bus. He was known to have a big mouth which is why he played for so many teams. I'm just saying that team had the talent to make a SB run. Had Smitty not got hurt we probably win a SB.
  7. Yeah, but we had stars who we could watch even if we were losing games. CMC was fun to watch, so was Moore and Burns. Even when Cam came back it was fun to watch. This roster doesn't have anyone who would make me travel 3 hours to watch a game at BOA.
  8. We sucked in the preseason with Frank. I'm getting the same feeling with Canales. If someone shows you who they are believe them. Hope I'm wrong, but man nothing has changed from last season. To be fair this roster sucks. Kind of hard to improve when you have nothing to work with. I warned you guys about us trading away all of our stars. Who's going to show up to these games when you have nobody to sell your product? Guess we will have to find out when the season starts.
  9. In Bryce We Bust! In Bryce We Trust! Bryce Up Son! Bryce Down Son! Keep Pounding! Keep Grounding! Panthers Nation Stand Up! Panthers Nation Show Up! Rooooaaaaarrrrrrrrr! Meeeoooooowwwww!
  10. No lie he fooled me his rookie season. I thought for sure he was going to be Cam's #1 WR for years to come. Also thought Devin Funchess was going to be his sidekick. Damn it hurts thinking about those 2 lol
  11. Funny he won a SB in his prime and now he's had a successful broadcast career. If that's trash then man you have high expectations. Just curious what is your career resume?
  12. About time someone puts some respect on Keyshawn Johnson name around here. Dude came here to win a SB. Had Smitty not got hurt he would have been a major reason why we would have won our 1st SB. Panthers legend Keyshawn Johnson!
  13. Speaking of acceleration these electric cars are already the fastest cars on the road. Can you imagine if they can find a way to add some type of loud exhaust for electric cars that would be a huge game changer. People like fast cars with noise. Only thing holding electric back is the loud exhaust note. If they can fix that then we will really see electric cars take over.
  14. More weight and acceleration leads to more wear n tear on the tires. The batteries in electric vehicles tend to weigh more than regular gas cars.
  15. I have people in my family who are successful with great paying jobs and even they say electric cars are a scam. No gas? Sure but that gas will show in your light bill from charging the thing at home. Tires also wear out faster than normal gas cars. I personally wouldn't invest in a electric vehicle unless I had the money and just wanted to be cool and drive a Tesla.
  16. Bro we literally have a no name defense as is. Losing Horn wouldn't make any difference. Brown is the only household name on this entire team. If someone wants to make a name they will have to prove it on the field. As far as Hornets goes talented player, but man that dude is made of glass.
  17. I'm getting the same feeling about Mango as I did for TMJ. He's slow and he's not really much of a factor after the catch. Not a good combination.
  18. Could break out? Nah he's going to breakout. He will be a top 10 WR this season. The moment the trade happened and I looked at his film this kid has the skills to be a #1 WR. His ability to get open off the line of scrimmage is top 5 elite. You can't teach that this kid will be a household name by the end of the season.
  19. I personally love the NIL. Kids getting paid to leave for better money and more exposure is great for them. NCAA has been ripping these kids off for decades. It's their time to eat and I fuggin love it!
  20. When you have a new owner and he's shown you he doesn't know how to run a team I can't fault people if they find another team to root for. Tepper stinks and so does the team. I'm not wasting my time on the Panthers if they aren't showing any signs of improvement. I missed 8 games last year. If we continue to suck I'm sure I will miss even more games this season.
  21. Purdy looks bad without his weapons. Good luck overpaying that guy. Niners run will be over as soon as they pay Purdy.
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