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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Intruder has a gun those dogs are useless.
  2. You seriously need to strap up my man. We live in scary times. Literally had a woman walk up to my car open my door and sat down in my seat while I was on the phone today. Scared the poo out of me. She quickly got out after I started cursing lol. Must have been on some bad drugs. Either way people are crazy it is a must you stay protected even in your car.
  3. Start recruiting Connor McDavid to Raleigh please!
  4. It's 2023. Im pretty sure most people who go to a nightclub carry a gun in the car. If you ever visited a nightclub you know alcohol and a bunch of people don't mix. Fights/shootings happen all the time at nightclubs.
  5. There was a rumor this offseason Rodgers was willing to talk to Carolina but we showed no real interest.
  6. Easy to say now that you had months to think about this. 20 year old you in the same moment, I doubt you have the same response or actions.
  7. Watching his interviews his character seems fine. We sent the entire staff to Alabama to do a background check. Obviously they didn't find anything of concern. You really trying to question his character because he brought his friend the gun he asked for. Why would he ride around with a gun in his car that he doesn't have a license to carry for? Imagine riding around with a hot gun in your car that's not yours.smh If anything he did the right thing taking his friend his gun. What that friend does with the gun is his problem.
  8. We all have 1 brain. You are not responsible for other people decisions. It's really that simple. I can tell my kids to stay out of trouble at school. It's up to them to do so. I can't control their actions at school. Miller is innocent and you have people calling him a murderer for a crime he did not commit. Society is so harsh.
  9. I ask all the people who feel Miller is guilty. If your best friend asked you to bring them their gun they left in your car. You do so and he decides to shoot and kill a person with his gun. Do you feel you should go to jail for a murder you did not commit?
  10. The sad part is you're a grown adult acting like a teenager.smh Some people just never grow up.
  11. They both can play the sg or sf. I think they could play together.
  12. Is a Miles Bridges for Paul George sign n trade realistic? Clippers have PG on the trade block. Would be nice to get Miller his GOAT to mentor him.
  13. Zeke underrated. The smallest pg to have 2 championships. That's why I couldn't put CP3 in my top 5. A lot of people blame size for CP3 not having a ring. Zeke was the same height as CP3 and he won 2 championships.
  14. Yeah I agree. Im excited to see what he does in summer league. I think a lot of people are underestimating his talent. All I ask if for the Scoot supporters to start embracing Miller. The draft is over this kid is a Hornet now. We don't need to keep talking down on him.
  15. It's cool bro. Hope you continue to post your sources.
  16. I like this list replace Payton with Isiah Thomas imo. The history of pg's that play like Scoot are... 1. Westbrook 2. Rose 3. Morant 4. Wall 5. Marbury/Francis All those Scoot pg's are ringless.
  17. Exactly! We as fans fall in love with the athletic rim attacking guards. I get it they are fun to watch, but every single one of them have never won a championship. They simply sell tickets and play exciting style basketball. At the end of the day can you shoot the basketball and make shots in late game situations when teams pack the paint to stop you from driving. It all comes down to is shot making.
  18. Sucks for him. We got the best player in this draft, that's all that matters.
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