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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Oh my you brought back so many memories at the lake. lmao that smell I remember it like it was yesterday. Most people don't think about that while they are in the water. Not all people are clean either. So yeah I try to stay out of public water as much as I can. I was never a big beach fan anyway.
  2. Do beaches have sinkholes? I ask because I remember when I was a kid I almost drowned because I stepped in what felt like a sinkhole. Thank goodness my uncle was nearby and saw me go under water. I surely was lucky that day. No doubt in my mind I would have drowned if it wasn't for my uncle saving me. Ever since then I probably haven't stepped foot in beach water again. Even when I would go to the lake I wouldn't go but so far. Im 33 now and I never get in the beach water when we go on family vacations.
  3. The media has always downplayed us. Even in 2016 they didn't talk about us like they should have. It's not surprising the media only caters to big market teams. Fug em!
  4. Is Sidney Crosby still considered elite or has he faded into a complimentary piece because of age?
  5. I asked because im not really a diehard NHL fan. I support the Canes because it's Carolina. I always wondered who was the next big thing after Wayne Gretzky. I remember hearing Crosby name back in the day. Lil Wayne famously used him in a rap lyric. It was crazy hearing a NHL player mentioned in a rap song.
  6. Has the NHL ever had a unicorn type prospect where he had extreme hype and were expected to be the face of the league like a MJ/Brady/Gretzky type? Other than Wayne Gretzky of course...
  7. Am I the only one excited about this team? I keep going back to playing in a weak division and having a relatively easy schedule. We have no powerhouse teams on our schedule this year. We don't play the Eagles/49ers at all this year. Our toughest teams are in the AFC Miami/Jacksonville. There is no reason why we can't win the division. If we in the playoffs it is fair game. The only teams I think we would have trouble beating are the Eagles/49ers. After that we can compete with any team in the NFC.
  8. To get the most money teams will look at your entire body of work. The top players ball out every year. That's why they make the most money.
  9. Just curious how much are you expecting him to sign for?
  10. 12.5 mil a year is a slap in the face? The OBJ deal was a overpay by the Ravens. Im sure Hopkins wants the kind of money, but the market is dried up. He was released after FA and the draft. Much like Cam he has to take the best deal on the table even if it is less than OBJ.
  11. Exactly we have nothing to lose on that kind of deal. In fact that seems like the perfect deal considering his age. By the end of that contract he will be 33 and we can move on to the younger WR's or go after another big name WR.
  12. Who said Hopkins is getting 18 mil? People are saying if he comes cheap then we should pursue it. From the looks of it he's not getting 18 mil from any team.
  13. I don't want them if they only balling out for a contract. If they good they will ballout out regardless of contract. People need to understand Hopkins is a #1 WR point blank. You want to win games then you sign him. If you think we in a rebuild then let the young guys play.
  14. I know the Ravens are pissed they didn't wait for Hopkins. That 18 mil could have been for Hopkins instead of OBJ.
  15. Average depth is not something to brag about. Thielen is 33 and Chark is injury prone. After that we have unproven young guys. Look at our offense compared to the other teams. Luckily we dodged the top dogs this year in both conferences. I think Miami/Jacksonville will be our toughest opponents. This team can still use another WR especially a proven one like Hopkins.
  16. Why you dudes be making alt accounts? Man up!
  17. Honestly aren't we better than both the Titans and Pats? Then location we are closer to home. If we offer the same amount of money I think he would favor us.
  18. How much money you sending if it's so easy? Get the board together and let's start a GoFundMe account. I will throw 1k in the pot to get this thing done.
  19. If we sign Hopkins it tells me 2 things. 1. Our young guys aren't really showing much so far. 2. Either Thielen/Chark haven't looked so great. Or they might have concerns for Chark injury history.
  20. We sign Hopkins we in the conversation for making the NFC Championship game. We go from a bottom 5 WR core to a top 5 WR core with Hopkins. Hop/Thielen/Chark is legit!
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