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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Depends on the person honestly. I've seen players quit the team because they couldn't take a coach screaming at them. Football is not for everybody.
  2. It sucks these players can't take hard coaching these days. I had a coach who would get in your face and scream at you. It motivated me to do better so he wouldn't yell at me all the time. If he's yelling that means you're doing something wrong. Man up and get better!
  3. Yeah football is a tough guy sport. I played for a coach like that. Everybody on the team hated him but we still did our job. We did that for free. These guys makes millions and they still complain.
  4. People must never played football. There is always that 1 coach who is harder on the players than the other coaches. Man up you make millions of dollars.smh
  5. Good to know im not the only one who has high expectations for the team this year. Playoff appearance is more realistic than people think. This division is pretty weak. Looking at our roster top to bottom I honestly think we have the best roster in the division. If Bryce lives up to the hype there is no reason why we can't win this division when you look at our schedule. Miami/Jacksonville are our hardest matchups this season. Even those 2 games are winnable imo. Sky is the limit for this team!
  6. So basically this is about you wanting Reddick over Burns. Thanks for getting to the point. Now that we got that out of the way we can sign Burns because he's the best pass rusher on the team. Sorry we can't get Reddick back and I don't think he wanted to return given the way he spoke about the culture of the team.
  7. Wait you don't want to pay Burns because we have to also pay Brown? Why not keep both young talents we can afford both.smh Whatever happened to keeping your homegrown talent...
  8. Do you pay attention to the comments on this board? As soon as he throws an interception people are showing major concern.lmao Relax folks we haven't even played a preseason game yet.
  9. I remember everyone in the room just silent every time he would get hit in the head. Like damn the refs didn't even attempt to reach for the flag. My mind was made up during that game there is no way they let us win this game.
  10. Good because Ravens fans said he can be a impact player if we limit his snaps. This will be a great signing and it's not out of the question Houston leads the team in sacks this year if we use him as such.
  11. AR will get more hype simply because he's eye candy 6'5 240 fast, strong, rocket arm. Same reason they discussed Cam a lot during his prime. Young will earn his respect on the field.
  12. I don't care what anyone says if they throw those flags on the Cam hits to the head we win that SB point blank. NFL wanted Manning to go out on top point blank!
  13. I can already tell he's going to be the leader on this young defense. This might be the best signing of the offseason because we get a impact player and a much needed vet leader on defense.
  14. He's basically a 3&D stretch pf. I don't think he has star in his game. He's basically a solid role player nothing more than that.
  15. Do you have a humidifier in your home? It helps a lot imo.
  16. If you're big you better be able to move and be light on your feet. He's no good if he can't move that massive body.
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