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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. lmao I keep confusing Dalton with Darnold. Those damn D's!
  2. Yet people wonder why he never see's the field. Hopefully we can stop mentioning him. Darnold is the clear cut 2nd string QB.
  3. Corral was a wasted pick. Imma just be real. Will Grier 2.0
  4. 1st scrimmage of the season missed assignments are bound to happen. The Oline just didn't show up as a group. They will get an earful in the film room and work on those assignments in practice. No need to panic this is the 1st game of the season. Even week 1 will be ugly for most teams. Rome wasn't built in a day people.
  5. This is how you know football season is back baby! Chaos!
  6. He was bragging about learning from Baker in particular on Panthers Huddle. Guy doesn't seem like he's cut for the NFL. There are a lot of QB's you can learn from. I don't think cocky Baker who is on his 3rd team in 2 years is who I want to be taking advice from.
  7. lol Rodgers shaking teammates hands only to rub his hands on his shorts afterwards as if they just gave him Covid.
  8. I think most of us are. It's just some who don't recognize it. It's literally the 1st preseason game. People who played football know that 1st scrimmage game of the high school season is always sloppy. Nothing to worry about we will get better.
  9. Kid is tough. He did the same in college. Oline just didn't show up today. I think they bounce back next week. Coaches will get on them at practice all week.
  10. This is tough to watch. But there is no way the Oline is this bad. They just didn't show up today is my guess.
  11. Young/Burns seem to talk a lot on the sidelines. I love the bromance. The future of the Panthers that duo.
  12. My sarcasm sucks apparently. Can't believe people thought I was serious. I been the most vocal about this team making the playoffs. You honestly think I would jump off the bandwagon after the 1st preseason game. Nothing to worry about. Coaches will correct the Oline issues in practice. Just a bad start today. We will be fine.
  13. Huddle in peak form taking every comment seriously.lol People it's the 1st game of the preseason. We look rusty and the Oline are simply missing their assignments. Nothing to worry about. Now if this continues for the rest of the preseason that's when we get concerned. Stop pooing people most are just joking at least I hope they are. 1st preseason game with a new staff and scheme. Chill people we still winning this division and going to the playoffs.
  14. This is ugly. Oline looks real bad. This is not even the Jets starting defense smh. We in trouble boys. Oh and we don't have our 1st rd pick next year. Clean house the season is over. Fire Frank go after Saban. Bring Alabama to the Carolina's. Im joking but im kind of not.
  15. The potential tho! Bryce doesn't need Hopkins it will stunt the growth of our young WR's...
  16. This comment has already been overused in this thread. It's getting cringy now.
  17. These hits are concerning. Oline needs to get their poo together!
  18. At least he didn't throw a pick on the opening drive like Stroud/AR.
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