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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. This board has this weird beef with Wilks I just don't understand. Wilks was the talk of the NFL how he turned our season around. We went from playing for nothing to having a legit chance to make the playoffs. People please stop trying to act like Wilks had no impact on this team. The players freaking loved Wilks.
  2. The division is still crap. Only thing changed is the team who won the division got worse in Tampa Bay losing Brady for Baker. We were 1 game away from making the playoffs with Steve Wilks. If we hired an upgrade at HC im expecting to get better not worst.
  3. Steve Wilks had this team a game away from making the playoffs last year. We improved the roster and hired a allstar coaching staff. Why are fans still think we are a rebuilding team? Frank said it himself when we hired him. We are trying to contend right away. I guess some fans have different expectations. I said from the start this team should make the playoffs.
  4. If this team takes 3 more years to make the playoffs then I have loss faith in this franchise. Even Frank said we are contending sooner than later. Playoffs is a must we have the roster and we play in a weak division. This is no longer the Rhule Panthers. Media praised our coaching staff all offseason. Nah playoffs is the goal. Anything less was a failure imo.
  5. Would have won more if we had him for the full season. What gets lost is he had to clean up the L's Rhule left him with.
  6. Preach! No excuses with Frank. He has his QB we upgraded the roster. Playoffs or bust imo. This division is not very good. If we can't compete this year to win the division then we simply failed.
  7. Steve Wilks I miss you buddy. Frank I believe in you buddy. Please don't make us regret this decision.
  8. I was suggesting trade for Fields this offseason. His talent is not the question. It was always about them putting a roster around him. Even with a bad roster last year he showed flashes that he can be special. Bears will win the NFC North imo.
  9. This was just a bad night overall. Went to the gym to workout and get my mind off this terrible performance and when I get there I don't even have my gym key left it in my truck at the house. What a freaking night!
  10. Took those hits like a champ. This kid has the heart of a lion!
  11. Still think we will win the division and make the playoffs. It's preseason people. We still have 2 more games to knock the rust off. Oline is going to get chewed out in the film room. I expect a dominate performance from them next week.
  12. Stay strong. Tuff times don't last forever. We will bounce back next week and all this concerned talk will be forgotten.
  13. Of course this thread couldn't end without someone bringing up Cam. People fall for it every time. I don't know if I should feel bad for the people who bring him up or for the people who continue to hate on him. Either way Cam is career is done guys. Stop falling for the bait.
  14. To top things off I'm getting naughty adds from this website.smh
  15. The funniest part of this entire game is the refs feeling sorry for our offense and letting us have a free 1st down. Even the refs tried to help out today.smh
  16. It's 20-0. Nobody has played well. Defense giving up points and the offense scored no points.
  17. Entire team has looked like trash honestly. Oline just looked the worst of the bunch.
  18. Season over before it even starts? Rhule is gone. I still have faith!
  19. You just said a whole lot of nothing. So he plays with 3rd and 4th string, but he can't do anything against 3rd and 4th string defense. Clearly he doesn't have it. 3rd and 4th string has nothing to do with it. He's not ready to be an NFL QB let alone a backup QB. It's time to move on from him.
  20. I would tell Corral to pack his bags after the game. He's just a wasted roster spot at this point.
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