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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Those ocean waters are hotter than usual. I just hope we don't get a cat 5 anytime in the near future.
  2. Gentelemen it's okay for people to have a different opinion. My goodness I can't even say I like the Falcons to win this division and people have to tell me why they don't agree. If you like the Saints to win that's fine. You're not making me change my mind about the Falcons. Enjoy your Monday.
  3. We appreciate your service. Risking your life to save others you're a good man. Hopefully we don't get any hurricanes this year. If we do hopefully they don't cause any major damage.
  4. Im picking the Falcons to win this division if not us. I like their roster more than the Saints.
  5. That's one of the worst tatoos I have seen in quite some time.
  6. Pooing others so you can fit in.


    Quote me debate me my friend.


    Anybody can poo someone for clout.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NorthTryon


      Just stop posting like you know very little about football. Apparently other people are crapping all on your posts. Maybe a little self reflection is in order. Plus if I blocked you, I couldn't sing Cam-Whoaaaaa Cam every time I see your profile like prime used to do on NFL Network and be reminded of 2015!

    3. CamWhoaaCam


      Yes Sir. Reporting back to the battlefield see you around maybe next time you actually debate me instead of using kid emojis...

    4. NorthTryon


      Depends on how bad your take is dude and how much time I got. 🤣 Hell, say something worth while and I may choose a grown up emoticon. 🤣

  7. Fitt did his job. Talent is here. People hyped this Oline all offseason. This is on the players and coaches if you ask me.
  8. Winston looks hella thin. Dude might need to put on some more weight. It's not like he was a runner to begin with. Not sure why he loss so much weight.
  9. And 2 months later I was born after Hugo hit.lol
  10. While I have us winning the division. I think the Falcons are the team that wins this division if not us. Bijan Robinson is the real deal. Steal of the draft this kid is going to be the best rb in the NFL sooner than later. Hate he's in this division he's going to give us a lot of trouble. CMC kind of back can do it all rushing/receiving.
  11. You're not wrong friend. He was high on my return list as well.
  12. Somebody help @SmittysLawnGuy for goodness sake!
  13. This is concerning the Oline looks bad. We were praising the Oline all offseason. They look bad. Even Icky looks like he forgot how to block.
  14. Carr has 1 playoff appearance in his entire career! Saints had a worst record than us last year yet you're saying their FO is the best in the division. Your points are not adding up. I get we have a rookie QB, but the division as a whole isn't great. If we can't compete in this division with this defense and coaching staff we simply had a failure of a season. Look at the QB's Carr/Ridder/Mayfield. Bryce was the #1 overall pick. He has to be with those guys if not better. His talent is not a question. It's about the Oline protecting him. If we have decent Oline play this team can score enough points to be a threat to win this division.
  15. Saints weren't even dominating this division when they had Peyton and Brees. Now all of a sudden they are the superior team with David freakin Carr! Stop it!
  16. The worst part of hurricanes are those scary wind sounds. You never know if a tornado is nearby or not. Wicked feeling!
  17. What hurricane was the most memorable to you? I have 2, hurricane Floyd in 1999 and hurricane Florence in 2018. I remember FIoyd was a kid. All I remember is my family huddled together in the highschool basketball gym. It was crowded and people were hot. Don't remember how long we stayed in there but I remember the first time my family having to evacuate to another place during a hurricane. Florence sticks out because of how long it stayed over NC just producing massive amounts of rain. Felt like the longest hurricane I ever experienced.
  18. Leonard Fournette come on down!
  19. People focused on win totals. Just win more games than the Bucs/Saints/Falcons and we make the playoffs. There is no powerhouse team in this division. It's up for grabs literally any team can win it. Does that not seem like a realistic goal this season?
  20. Don't let @mrcompletely11 see this. He will not agree and tell you why you're wrong for not agreeing with him.
  21. David Newton your time is up. Pack your bags GTFO of Charlotte!
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