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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I'm going to enjoy watching Rhule and his Nebraska team get blown out tonight.
  2. Then we can stop replying to one another because we just don't seem to agree. Enjoy your day.
  3. So if the goal is to win. Why can't I think making the playoffs are realistic! My goodness man how hard is that to accept. It's not a crime to think playoffs are realistic in this weak division.
  4. First I'm not your kid. Second who is "we". That's the problem with this board everyone wants to fit in with one another. Speak for yourself stop relying on others opinion. I don't care what "we" thinks. If you accept losing good for you. I don't. It's really that simple.
  5. @mrcompletely11 Fitt said the playoffs are obtainable. Thoughts?
  6. If not us I like the Falcons roster the most.
  7. They better start scouting college season is about to start up. Hopefully they hit on a couple Olineman in the draft next year.
  8. I listened I just refuse to accept a losing culture. I was buying into what Frank was preaching about contending right away. I thought with Rhule gone we would finally see change.
  9. Oh I hope you're right. My thing is this franchise has accepted losing. Every year it's the same thing. Fans are fed up with the losing culture. I think Bryce will be elite sooner than later. I just hope they find a way to get him some on offense. Maybe that happens in FA next year who knows.
  10. This is what gets me. You trade away a elite talent in DJ Moore and you trade future picks. Why do all that and still say we are rebuilding. How do you rebuild without those picks? Tepper is a clown!
  11. Exactly. Now we are still rebuilding in 2023. Teppers Panthers way
  12. Im so sick of Tepper. This is clearly coming from him. Fitt is not the guy to blame we are in this situation because of Tepper. The expectations have always been low since he took over the franchise. This guy needs to sell the team. Keep Pounding is no longer a thing in the Carolina's. Fans are saying the season is over before it even starts. This is our culture now. It's now cool to say we are years away from making noise. 2027 will be our year!
  13. Football being back is a real thing. Some dudes will put their significant other on mute come Sunday. I'm in the mancave drinking beer and nachos on opening night. It's a ritual at this point.
  14. Yeah that was tough. To be fair Horn is pretty damn good he just needs to stay on the field!
  15. I was public enemy #1 when I mentioned trading for Justin Fields. Funny how people ignore the lack of talent around a QB. Dude now throwing screens to DJ Moore and taking it to the house. Get ready folks Fields will put the NFL on notice this year. He's the real deal!
  16. No problem. I like Wilks but I was also open to a offensive HC. I just didn't think Frank should have been the hire. Hiring a HC who got fired just never made sense to me. This is Tepper we are dealing with so it is what it is. Hope Frank does well, but so far he hasn't looked like he belongs. Then you have people saying don't expect playoffs for a few years is not giving me any confidence in him being a upgrade. We will see how it goes.
  17. I can't continue this discussion you fail to understand that the Rooney Rhule is a real thing. These minorities aren't talking just to talk. There is proof. Wilks not getting multiple interviews was crazy. ESPN discussed it on all their debate shows. It is what it is. Wish Wilks well. Hope he gets a "fair" chance to be a HC in the future. Not joining some tanking franchise with no QB kind of chance.
  18. Nobody was backing Rhule. You had players question the direction of the team Shaq and Reddick specifically. To say Wilks doesn't deserve to be a HC with such little on his resume is just unfair. If you don't see that then there is no need to continue this discussion. Rhule shouldn't even be mentioned he was just not suited for the NFL. He even mentioned that during a interview with Cowherd.
  19. I don't care who interviews him. I just wanted him to be our HC.
  20. Now you see what it feels like when people say Wilks doesn't deserve to be a HC. 1 bad season with a bad team does not make his career.
  21. Im confused on Frank as a HC to be honest. I see people saying we upgraded at HC but their expectations are lower as they have us taking a step back as a team. If you ask me we downgraded at HC. Which explains why people think we are a few years away from the playoffs. Either way I hate that the players backed Wilks and Tepper went the other route. Im all for hiring a offensive coach but Frank just seems like a average hire.
  22. Last season my man. If we judging Wilks on his last stint, im just doing the same for Frank. Understand now?
  23. Kind of hard to have a great offense when Sam Darnold is your QB. A lot of times it comes down to your QB. You can't expect a lot of wins when your QB is bottom tier. But to say he doesn't deserve another HC job because of his Arizona stint is just flat out unfair.
  24. I hate when people buy all the grocery like this is the end of times.smh People we are getting rain and wind. Stop acting like a cat 5 is going to hit us directly. Why are humans like this?
  25. So how do we judge Wilks if he only gets 1 opportunity?
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