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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. This Nebraska game has been tough to watch. That's Marr Rhule football baby!
  2. Do you guys just don't like streams? I can watch any game on TV right now. Streams still underrated even in 2023.
  3. There won't be any conferences pretty soon. These travel schedules are insane. Imagine taking a flight across country just to play California. Like what happened to real college rivals. It's all a big money grab now.
  4. Matt Rhule got his QB in the transfer portal! How do you start your football program with a QB from Georgia Tech.smh
  5. So many flags. That's the Matt Rhule team im used to watching.
  6. Matt Rhule gives me the giggles when he speaks.
  7. I have no idea. Im only watching to see his team get slaughtered tonight.
  8. I really thought Brady Quinn was going to be a franchise QB. Boy was I wrong.
  9. I will be watching Rhule and his Nebraska team get slaughtered by Minnesota tonight. Also curious to see how Deion Sanders does at Colorado. Just watching from afar it seems like he got all skill players and no lineman. It might be a rough start for Primetime. You can't win without the big boys up front.
  10. Hazel was the big one according to history. Glad I wasn't around. Good to hear your grandparents made it out safe as well.
  11. BB hasn't done jack poo because HC get too much credit. He had the GOAT QB on his side. The moment Brady left the Patriots championship window closed. It's like Pop was winning championships when Tim Duncan was around. The moment he retired the Spurs have never been close to a contender even with one of the best coaches of alltime. Sports is a players league always has always will.
  12. I wonder if the Bengals trade Tee Higgins this season. That Burrow contract is going to be ridiculous, and they still have to pay Chase after that. Would love to see Higgins in a Panthers uni.
  13. Only thing interesting about Corral is his name. He makes me want to travel 30 miles in town to get that famous Golden Corral buffet.
  14. We improved at HC and QB aren't those the 2 most important things to a football team? We loss DJ that's pretty much it. We replace Foreman with a better RB in Sanders.
  15. It was good enough to be 1 game away from a playoff birth with Steve Wilks. If we "upgraded" both HC and QB why is it not good enough?
  16. Hey you leave @GOAT out of this. He's my favorite poster on this board. When GOAT speaks we all listen!
  17. What money is he asking for? How do you even know what he wants. Nothing has been reported on his contract. Seems to me he is waiting on the Bosa deal and will probably ask for something a little less than Bosa.
  18. 1 player doesn't make a team. Burns is simply a pass rushers which happens to be the 2nd most important position outside of QB. I don't care what we pay him just get a deal done. Last thing this team needs is our best defensive player off the field because we don't want to pay him.
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