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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Lol okay Getting mad talking about football is crazy. Colorado is getting to you my man. Don't let them defeat you lol
  2. Prime can think what he wants. That team is not talented. If they were it would show on the field. Nobody knows anyone besides Sanders and Hunter. It's literally a 2 man show. That Oline still sucks. The defense still sucks.
  3. So I guess the media is just lying to all of us. It's literally the same team from last season. 2 outstanding players surrounded with trash. If they had more than 2 players they wouldn't be so bad. That defense is flat out atrocious. Yet you're trying to convince me they have more than 2 great players. If so who are those other great players? I'll wait...
  4. Mack should be retired. The guy is simply old at this point. I feel like the university is keeping him around simply because of his past and he's a nice guy. He's the Joe Biden of HC's. Time to hang em up.
  5. Carolina got a ugly win, but man that QB position is gonna be a problem. Not sure how Harrell will look but he didn't look promising during the little time he had. .
  6. I'm guessing you think he doesn't care about his son either huh? His son is getting hit on damn near every passing play. They don't care to run the ball at all.
  7. There is literally nobody saying they are winning the Natty lol What's with people hating on Colorado? I get they are over hyped, but it's Deion Sanders. He's gonna get all the headlines win or lose. This is no different than the Cowboys getting all the headlines. If you don't like Colorado just say that and keep it moving. But to make up lies to fit your narrative is just wrong. Im rooting for Colorado and even I know this team isn't a contender. They are a 2 man show. Prime got 2 top 5 picks on his roster and he's coaching in a bad location nationally. Can you imagine if he had those 2 players with a better roster? The narrative would be so much different.
  8. LMAO tbh we don't have a QB. Harrell looks no better than Johnson so far.
  9. We might have to win this game on a FG. This offense has no hope.
  10. Our defense is surprisingly decent. If only we had a decent QB.
  11. Yeah that sucks. Football gods were fed up. Hopefully it's nothing major.
  12. If we somehow win this game it will be because of Hampton.
  13. Maybe he has Joe Biden syndrome? Forgot he was supposed to play both QB's.
  14. It's okay to say something positive about the future top 5 pick. He might be our next QB lol
  15. Johnson is the starter. I think Mack's message is clear. This season is over btw.
  16. Now that would make me the happiest man alive!
  17. Meanwhile Carolina is still playing Johnson at QB. Mack Brown it's time to hang em up.
  18. Haters gonna hate. Sanders is a legit top 5 pick and it ain't even up for debate. Anybody with clear vision can see this kid talent is not in question. His team sucks and he still shines. If that ain't a franchise QB I don't know what else is.
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