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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. run, run, pass. Frank should fire himself from calling plays.
  2. Literally no separation. Poor Bryce dude has nothing to work with on offense.
  3. Man Frank is a bad coach. My goodness Tepper you suck at picking coaches!
  4. Underneath route killing us this entire drive.smh
  5. SVP picked us! I love that bald headed man from ESPN!
  6. Maybe we get a few deep balls tonight with DJ Cart playing tonight.
  7. lol literally nobody on Nat'l tv has picked us to win this game. All I hear is the Panthers have no weapons around Bryce and this will be a long year for him. The sad part is they are completely right.
  8. I actually love this guy topics. I find him pretty hilarious and some of his topics have some truth to them. He also gave some free tickets away to a preseason game to some less fortunate Panthers fans. He has a good heart at least. The Big Kat gets my approval!
  9. If im not mistaken Lil Wayne has a deal with FoxFS1. Im assuming that was a favor for Deion. He seems to be a regular on Undisputed now.
  10. Had nachos and wings yesterday. Im back to my normal healthy eating habits. So probably grilled chicken and some broccoli.
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