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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I want Metcalf the most, but the Seahawks have won 3 straight I don't think they would trade him.
  2. Yeah I doubt they get rid of Pitts anyway not before they see him with a real QB.
  3. I know that. Im saying could his slow start be they don't know how to use him? They should watch how KC uses Kelce. Also could be the QB is just bad. No idea but if we could get Pitts I would be down for it.
  4. Not sure why Pitts hasn't blossomed I thought for sure that guy would be the next great TE. Maybe Atlanta doesn't know how to use him. I would love to get him if he were available though.
  5. Who is even available? Higgins seems like the most realistic. Devonta Adams might be available, but he most likely wants a contending team. Fitt is about to do something stupid I can feel it in my bones!
  6. You're probably right sadly. I still miss that dude though. He was a special talent.
  7. Honestly I would rather have CMC and DJ right now with Sam Darnold at QB. At least the offense is somewhat watchable.
  8. Great for CMC, but im honestly sick to my stomach. We had the best rb in the NFL and we just traded him away for scraps. This franchise is just bad. I know some of the fanbase wanted to trade him anyway, but I never thought we should have especially not for cheap. The sad part is he now actually has talent around him and defenses can't just focus on him anymore. No surprise he's has been healthy his enitre tenure with the 49ers so far. Of all the moves we made, trading CMC hurts me the most. Did we make a mistake trading CMC for so little value?
  9. Im fine with Bieniemy. Also fine with Ben Johnson. We need more than a coach though. We seriously lack talent at the skill positions. It doesn't matter who we hire if we don't have the weapons on offense those playcalls aren't going to work.
  10. Furious at himself for making these bad hires. This man doesn't realize he is the problem. Just sell the damn team already.
  11. He went .500 with Sam Darnold my man. Who's to say with a QB upgrade he couldn't do better than .500? We went from being unwatchable to competing for a legit chance to make the playoffs. Meanwhile you're on here talking about Frank needs more time while we would have sucked with Wilks. Do you not see how delusional you sound?
  12. Log off. I hate debating with people like this. We haven't won a single game since we hired Frank and this clown talking about its alright. You got fans who rather lose and be awful then be .500 and at least competitive to make the playoffs. Tepper brainwashed some of you people.
  13. My goodness what the hell were the Giants thinking giving Daniel Jones 40+ mil a year. This dude is a certified game manager at best. It was clear as day Saquan was that entire offense. They felt the need to overpay Jones and undervalue Saquan. Has to be the worst signing of the NFL offseason. His agent is top tier though!
  14. Talent is more important. You're not winning a championship without talented players. We have seen some of the best coaches in history just become another coach the moment they lose a superstar. BB was the GOAT HC when he had Brady. Without Brady nobody has thought of the Pats as a contender. Greg Popovich was one of the best HC in NBA history when he had Tim Duncan. He's now been coaching a team that has been in the lottery for multiple years now. Players make coaches, always have always will.
  15. Now that's a real home crowd! Take notes Charlottians!
  16. Brown or Evero please just get rid of Frank.
  17. Miles it's not cool for you to rob the Panthers either. You legit the 3rd best RB on the roster Brodie. Play better my guy.
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