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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. So far we are trading for Jeudy, Hartman, and now Watson. We about to be stacked! With a roster full of #2's and #3's
  2. Can you guys start posting links to these rumors. We always have these topics yet nobody post the source. As far as the trade if it's a real rumor I don't mind it, because we don't know how to use Chinn to the best of his ability.
  3. Im gonna be pissed if Miller is riding the bench all season. You can't have the #2 overall pick on the bench. We drafted him to be a key contributor. Clifford seems like the type of coach who will do exactly that.smh
  4. It's October, only right we discuss the scariest movie we ever seen. Mine is pretty easy "The Exorcist" 1973 version. Legit took me a full week to get over that movie. I was a teenager when I first watched it. Still till this day the scariest movie I ever seen.
  5. Yeah trade for a speedster when our QB has one of the weaker arms in the NFL. Also I thought Chark was a deep threat?
  6. Yeah I'm on the wait for Tee Higgins train. I don't mind trading a 3rd for a WR like Jeudy. If we can go into next season with Higgins and Jeudy that would be excellent.
  7. Lol another non factor WR. Guys we need a true #1 WR. Stop with these #2 and #3 WRs. We already have that on the roster.
  8. Just curious why are you just remembering my quotes? I'm just a man with an opinion. You don't have to take my word. I'm just giving my opinion.
  9. Agreed. One of the few posters you can have a debate with without him insulting you. Need more like him.
  10. See this is why I like you. You call me out when I'm wrong, but also admit when I was right. Thanks my friend.
  11. This is sad. Dude out here saying TMJ aka That Man A Joke should have played. Fire this clown already.
  12. The HC sucks. It has nothing to do with being healthy. Frank might be the worst play caller in the NFL. Add our lack of weapons and we are destined to fail.
  13. Boy that would be hilarious imagine Chicago when they have the the #1 and #2 pick and neither Caleb or Maye are in the draft. Yikes!
  14. Bro let it go. I admitted I was wrong long ago. Time to talk about right now.
  15. For sure it will be the moment we hand the Bears the #1 overall pick which happens to be a transcendent QB in Caleb Williams. Any time a team has the #1 and #2 pick in the draft back to back you're going down in history those are franchise changing situations.
  16. Fine beat me while im still dead. I admitted I was wrong weeks ago. What more do I need to do? *Also never said we could compete for a championship. That's just a flat out lie. I said we could win the division and beat any team not named San Fran or Philly. That is not contending for a championship if I admitted we wouldn't beat those teams. But keep going off.
  17. I can't lie I miss the Skip and Shannon Cowboy debates. Skip would get so pissed after a Cowboys loss lmao. They were pure comedy, such a shame Skip took it personal and attacked Shannon's character and credentials as a player.
  18. Yep sure did. Did you miss me say I was dead wrong weeks ago? Hey man im not perfect. Im not always right. When im wrong im man enough to admit it and move on. Unlike some of you dudes on here to prideful to admit you were wrong.smh
  19. Positive talk sure. Negative talk not so much.
  20. The Rock shows up to your game you're not interested in what he does on the sideline? But some random players mom and dad get shine you're perfectly fine with it. Seems like we just have different styles. You more of the happy family perfect story kind of guy. I just like the entertainment part of the celebs. Taylor Swift and her swifties in the box going crazy after a Kelce TD is much more entertaining then Brock Purdy mom and dad making him PB&J sandwiches in high school.
  21. Philly/San Fran headed for another collision course. I don't see any other teams in the NFC giving them much of a battle.
  22. Man speaking on the dead.smh You been drinking tonight?
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