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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. 100% fact! This is what everyone forgets the original plan fell through. Tepper never wanted Stroud for whatever reason. He had to get his guy Bryce and it was clear as day. He drafted a QB who didn't even throw at the combine that was a red flag. Tepper screwed us and now we have took 2 steps back as a franchise.
  2. How is it Reich's fault his owner gave him no choice. Tepper has final say at the end of the day. This clown shouldn't even be making these decisions yet here he is screwing up our future over a QB he fell in love with.
  3. I think we all knew this, but hearing someone in the media confirm just shows you Bryce Young was the Tepper's choice all along. Nothing will change until Tepper stays out of the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zshm7j6U6To&pp=ygUWdW5kaXNwdXRlZCBmcmFuayByZWljaA%3D%3D
  4. Bingo! He put this crappy roster together. He has to go with everyone else.
  5. Waiting for Fitt to be fired. Nothing else matters at this point.
  6. This! My entire life changed about football after we got rid of Cam, Luke, Greg, TD. We would lose games and my passion just wasn't in it anymore. The keep pounding era was officially over. Tepper changed the culture and now we just a bad football team. The games are no longer exciting or watchable. I have legit missed over 20 games since Tepper took over. I never missed Panthers games in the past.
  7. A good QB on a bad team will show you signs they are least capable of making franchise QB throws. Bryce lack of arm strength and his lack of pocket awareness is not a good sign moving forward. I think even if we put talent around him at best he will be a middle of the pack QB. I haven't seen anything that tells me this guy was worth the #1 pick. Stroud, AR, Levis have all looked better.
  8. This! It will be a guy who is respected around the league. Tepper will hire him and tell him to run the show. If it doesn't work he can say see it was not me guys. BB is not who I want btw. Just saying he is a Tepper hire.
  9. That guy from New England Could it be possible Tepper has his him as his top priority? Not a fan of BB personally. Tepper however might see it differently.
  10. He's old and his play calling is outdated. What he does off the field shouldn't matter. You get paid millions to perform a job. He was underperforming at his job. Good guys gets fired all the time.
  11. Maybe not, but at least we changed something. If we keep Frank there in no way we win another game. His play calling is atrocious!
  12. Maybe this firing leads to winning some games. Maybe we don't end up gifting the Bears the #1 pick. Something needed to happen now because this team is playing with no passion. Frank just wasn't cut for this job point blank.
  13. Do the right thing Tepper... Please this is our only hope!
  14. Wilks would be a welcomed addition, but Tepper pride would never let that happen.
  15. Wilks not coming back here lol. Also Ben Johnson you guys do know there will be way better jobs available than just us. He's probably the hottest candidate he will go to a good situation. Chargers makes sense for him. It's Jim Harbaugh or bust at this point. You need a alpha HC point blank.
  16. This is the only HC who can save us tbh. Anybody else will just take a backseat to Tepper and let the nonsense continue.
  17. Jim Harbaugh or bust. We need a alpha HC. Nothing will change if we keep hiring these soft HCs.
  18. Lost in this news is we still have Fitt. There is no way he should be in control of our draft next year. We have to fire him after the season.
  19. Zay Flowers is a stud. I was screaming for us to trade up and get him.
  20. And the Eagles are not even peaking yet, but still 10-1. They are scary if you ask me. We will see though this is why they play the game. Maybe some team gets hot at the end of the season who knows.
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