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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Yeah we can agree to disagree on this one. We just have different opinions on this situation. My issue wasn't even with the Ravens. They clearly wanted to sign Lamar for something less than the Watson deal. My issue was with the other teams who didn't even make an offer. Hell offer the Watson contract see if they match! That's all I was saying.
  2. Colin Cowherd is a clown. He bashed Cam for his Purdy/Dak game manager take last week. Then today he opens up his show saying Purdy/Dak are just guys. How do these clowns get paid millions to troll a Nat'l audience smh This dude is the worst. He will say one thing one week and completely say the opposite the next week. Cowherd is a troll.
  3. The Ravens could have got 2 1st round picks out of the deal. They hired a new OC it was not out of the question that they would have went a different direction if someone offered him more money than they were willing to pay. If the Ravens wanted Lamar why did they let him even attempt to test the market? That contract should have been done the dude has a MVP on his resume already. Bengals didn't let Burrow test the market. Chargers didn't let Herbert test the market. Cmon bro you know what was going on.
  4. Lamar is great, but he doesn't have the stats this year. This a 2 man race imo between CMC and Hill. I think this is the year a non QB finally wins MVP.
  5. How did everyone know? For that to happen you're suggest all owners knew they would match which tells me there is something shady happening when it comes to this particular QB. You can't possibly know unless you put out an offer. Either they match or they don't. It's not hard. Thanks for proving my point. Owners talked behind the scenes hence no offer sheet. Case closed. CamWhoaaCam wins again.
  6. You keep dodging around my question. I'm talking about other teams! Why no offer sheet for Lamar?
  7. MVP QB available why no offers? Not even a offer sheet. Does that same shady or not? Brady MVP QB FA had multiple suitors. This was about Lamar contract not becoming the new norm. Which is why not 1 single owner was brave enough to even throw out an offer sheet. These owners talk and they have a code you don't break. They showed their power in this particular situation.
  8. So Lamar was a FA but you think he wasn't really free? My man I don't care if he wasn't available at least put out an offer. Hell show the fans that you're serious about trying to add a MVP caliber QB. Deshaun Watson had more suitors than Lamar Jackson. That just doesn't make any sense. Nobody even put in a offer for Lamar. Sorry but this was collusion by the owners.
  9. Bryce has been a disappointment. How I felt before the season has no meaning now. When im wrong I admit so.
  10. Case in point last night. Lamar with lesser weapons showed he can carry a team to a victory even when his team was not favored to win the game. If they switched rosters the 49ers would be damn near unstoppable with Lamar/CMC/Deebon/Little/Trent. That's like a pro bowl offense lol
  11. 49ers are a historically great franchise. I understand why the media wants to hype him. Watch him play and you will see he's not elite. He's a good QB surrounded by the best weapons in football.
  12. He's a game manager bro. Watch the games most of his yards comes from CMC/Deebo making plays off screens. Give Lamar those weapons on offense the 49ers are undefeated right now. Purdy is a good QB, but elite he's not shown that. Any elite QB with that offense would just dominate the NFL.
  13. The Huddle is dumber than you think. I remember debating a few posters who thought Derek Carr was legit better than Lamar Jackson. Fun times.
  14. That Lamar situation was deeper than we think. I called collusion. The owners came together and said no to Lamar Jackson. They didn't want that Watson contract to become the new norm. I refuse to believe teams like Atlanta/Carolina had no interest when we had trash QB situations at the time. Even the rumors were shady when teams just started coming out of the blue saying no we are not interested. MVP QB's don't just become available and no teams show any interest. This was 100% collusion from the owners.
  15. The sad part about this is the Nat'l media will continue to talk about the 49ers because they have great historical history and they are one of the most popular franchise in the NFL. If Ravens want respect they have to prove it in the SB. Small market teams just don't get love even when they are the best team in football.
  16. My mom recently just had toe surgery. Changed her walk. I hope she fully recovers. Doctors told her it might take a year to get back to her normal walking.
  17. Sucks they didn't give Darnold a legit chance to comeback and win this game. I would have benched Purdy after pick 3.
  18. He has a better arm easily! With those weapons he can do more than Purdy. Purdy is just throwing screens and guys breaking for 40 yards.
  19. Look at Sam! I'm telling you he gives the 49ers the best chance to win a SB. He made that look easy!
  20. Why are either team still playing their starters? Baltimore about to lose another playmaker in Hamilton. That kid is legit. Not worth it. Sit your starters this game is over!
  21. Okay dude you had enough trolling for tonight. Rest up and get some new thoughts for next weekend. You ran out of ammo tonight. It happens learn from it and get better at trolling. Lamar is legit. You can't keep saying he's not. That just tells me you don't know football. You know football at least I hope you do.
  22. Or risk injury. Game is over at this point. The more he plays he's hurting his MVP chances with those turnovers.
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