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Everything posted by YourMomsLover

  1. Me saying bench Cam until next week is trolling? Lmao. I believe you are trolling me boy.
  2. Lmao @ TheRed saying "Lmao @" at the start of 95% of his posts. Lmao @
  3. Hell yes Cam! Throw to a double covered Smith, and be sure to overthrow him by 15 yards too!
  4. 2 pounds of beef jerky dehydrating, 2 Porterhouses marinating....I'm ready.
  5. Hey buddy....I tried to watch that video you sent me, but its not available on mobile. I read the things under it though. Apparently it involves a penis and a mother??? Lol

  6. lol I had fun messin with you.

  7. thanks for the +rep...its a lyric from teh Kanye West!

  8. Correct...The Wonderful Miss Megan Fox!

  9. Appreciate the rep bud!

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