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Everything posted by WarmThunder

  1. Its not terrible, just not worth the excitement. i get it, something the WC has that the East Coast does not. It would be like swearing Bojangles is the best Chicken sandwich to people in California, you are gonna have definite opinions.
  2. In-n-out is super overrated. Give me one reason outside of the hype that it is any better. Not saying that it is terrible, had it multiple times, when convenient, just tastes like a fast food burger, no big deal.
  3. Look, I’m not gonna act like an armchair expert, been lurking here forever and love this board. All I know is we have an experienced staff that is looking to create a new culture and get the Panthers back to being relevant on Sundays. Could be the worst trade ever, could be franchise positive for years to come. Honestly just stoked to see where it goes. I think DJ is gonna do great things in Chicago, hate seeing him go, but we had to do something to fix the QB situation. Good or bad, no matter what your stance is on what we gave up, you gotta admit it’s great to control the narrative at this point.
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