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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. Jimmy Johns for the sheer convenience but Potbelly's has the best tasting subs for my money. Went to a Jersey Mikes for the first time in years recently and was shocked at how the options had shrunk.
  2. I was really hoping this would become verboten like so much other former Panther stuff when the season started
  3. One trick is to find the locations where they train the managers. MANY years ago I was a manager in the Greensboro store where all of the managers of triad locations were trained (Battleground Rd). 90% of the employees there were either training to go to Bo U or had just come back and were finishing up training before going to their location. Another is to find the busy locations. The busier they are the less likely they are to develop the bad habits and shortcuts low volume locations develop to keep costs down. Holding food too long, frozen busciuts, not swapping out the batter often enough... It was a long time ago (decades) and I don't know if they still do manager training the same way so that may not still be a thing but the busy store thing tends to work across the quick service landscape. Hell if they've stopped the training thing that might be part of the problem. And I don't live in the SE anymore so its always been too long when I do get to a Bo and I tend to just be happy for something that isn't Popeye's of KFC
  4. Never had a bad time at the ballpark but I think thats more about the company Ive gone with. Baseball is like a great backdrop for a social thing. But short of some of the historical series (Sox & Cubs WS and associated playoffs) Ive never been able to watch more than a few innings at a time.
  5. Im lucky that neither of mine have problems but I was just talking to a buddy last week in the wake of all of the fireworks and he uses CDB based gummies that help his pup. Dont know if thats an option where you live
  6. This thread really highlights how few genuinely odious individuals have suited up for us. More than our share of bad talents but really few bad people
  7. Being a head coach of a Pro team is like being a politician or any other polarizing public figure. Your family needs seriously thick skin.
  8. Yeah this kinda presumes you're talking what they call BBQ in parts of the world that are not NC. Or chicken
  9. Gotta go with Stubb's for bottled sauce.
  10. Cullenator

    Diablo IV

    Yes its grindy button mashing. I said earlier that I was playing with a friend group that Ive been playing games with for years and no lie this is the first game where one of us just said "meh, fug it this is boring..." and quit. Its a very fitting continuation of the franchise but its pretty repetitive. Top that off with the community is getting kind of toxic between the try-hards that are bitching about end game poo two weeks after launch and the dirty casuals (like me) who are bitching about the bitching (like now).
  11. Holy poo! That "Im like that..." at the end.
  12. Cullenator

    Diablo IV

    Im playing and having a good time with friends. Most of us are pretty casual and have played less than 30 hours. We play a couple nights a week for a few hours at a time so we are not in any hurry to get through it. So far we are digging it
  13. The Drake Equation The Drake equation is: N = R ∗ ⋅ f p ⋅ n e ⋅ f l ⋅ f i ⋅ f c ⋅ L where N = the number of civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy with which communication might be possible (i.e. which are on the current past light cone); and R∗ = the average rate of star formation in our Galaxy fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations) fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation
  14. Zero belongs on a mascot jersey not someone on the field.
  15. The entire Drake equation approach is fun but it was never meant to be a predictor of ETI but rather a thought experiment. Its all probabilistic conjecture. Take a bunch of variable that you cant know the actual value of but that feel right and come to a conclusion. Carl Sagan used to love throwing it out in a way that left us tingling with awe and wonder (and it did) but its not for serious estimating. This guy has a great write up on the Fermi Paradox https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html Its a few years old at this point but on a topic such as this I dont think that matters much. In my more dower and pessimistic moods these days I imagine the Great Filter is that life rarely develops much past where we are and ether destroys itself by exploiting its planet until its unlivable or through its machines of war. Sound familiar?
  16. He would have said something to the effect of - the Bible doesn't include cars either but there one sits... And maybe he isn't the sort of Christian that your question was aimed at as while he was firm in his belief of his salvation through Christ and believed that things like drinking and dancing were the road to Perdition all the while not being particularly dogmatic. On top of that I'm a poor proxy as I don't share his beliefs can only speak from the many hours we spent discussing these same questions. He was quite a bit more open minded to those things that were not explicitly spelled out in the bible than your run of the mill conservative evangelical.
  17. My FIL was a very devout Southern Baptist. Son of a preacher, leader in his church, no dancing or drink and our (his daughter and my) wedding, church 2 days a week at minimum kind of guy. He believed in ETL and was even open to the ideas that some ancient "unexplainable" (think pyramids, Nazca lines, et al) were attributable to their visits. When questioned he would tell you that the Bible doesn't exclude it.
  18. I wholeheartedly believe there is more life out there. Some places its just algae, others are vast civilizations of it space faring beings. I also wholeheartedly believe we will will have destroyed ourselves long before the visit our little sun.
  19. It was surprisingly good. Went in expecting something to fill an evening and walked away entertained and suggesting it to others.
  20. If playing music in your vehicle at 80db is loud enough to overcome engine and traffic noise then what value (besides being a dick) is there in running it up to 130db?
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