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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. I really hate these double headers where ESPN cant trust that I know what game I want to watch. Their need to show me whats on the other channel is maddening.
  2. Avg cost to take a family to a game is what $600? $700? Our suckage not withstanding the only people still going to any games are well off masochists
  3. ...anyone visiting this site looking for a rational take on the Panthers
  4. You need to reassess your relationship with a sports franchise you have no input into or control over.
  5. I thing Dave is actually doing everything and the people you see that are not Dave or the players are just paid actors. He is making picks, designing offense, calling plays, wrapping ankles, filling the water coolers, ALL of it... iTs aLl hIs fAuLt!!!!
  6. Absolutely. What will be real fun is all of the folks who claim they wont or that they are done etc will be all up in the game day thread bitching
  7. Hey look Ryan won a game or three. BTW I think youre helping making my point. The point is that after two games you dont, you cant know poo.
  8. Its just two games for the love of christ Bryce: Some HOFers first season
  9. People plan and budget. Dealer said it would be there in 4 weeks (err: months), they made a deal, Dealer should have at least sat the car on their lot for three weeks (err: months) before calling and saying "Come and get it or else"
  10. If the only Dim Sum restaurant in town was as bad to me as people act like the Panthers are to them Id learn to live without dumplings.
  11. If a product or vendor disappointed me at a fraction of the level that folks here are pushing forth Id quit doing business with them. Id just walk away and if the day comes for me that its the Panthers I sure as hell wont stop by here to call Tepper ugly names on my way out.
  12. It really says something when the Tinderbox is less toxic than the main forum
  13. If you need someone else to convince you then maybe just maybe you should plan to spend your Sundays doing something else or find a different team.
  14. I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and my poo would make more sense than this place as of late
  15. I say this in the nicest and friendliest way possible... Damn you!! Now I NEED that thing!
  16. Slightly modified Weber 22" Kettle. Added some seals to the lid to help with temp regulation. Cant do more than about 10 hours before I just cant add more fuel but it gets the job done until we finish our next relocation and I go for a BGE & UDS set.
  17. You poo on the franchise relentlessly and have the audacity to post a "get hyped" thread? make up your damn mind
  18. https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/no-mow-days-trim-grass-emissions
  19. 50-3 Panthers And when that doesnt happen there will be 100+ threads here about how much the team sucks
  20. Must have been in the wrong socks last weekend.
  21. Anyone who gets 76 starts at QB in the NFL is legit. Doesnt mean they are any better than average and definitely not HOF bound but you dont get that many shots if you dont have a minimum set of skills that say you deserve to be there. Fair points re: lots of good to great coaches were not pro-bowlers. This guy has gotten a fair amount of mentions 'round here as of late and I was just expecting someone with a more impressive CV than what I found when I looked. But in the end he is just some jabroni with a web cam who gave up coaching high school and never coached in a major college program or the NFL and spent 8 years bouncing from practice squad to practice squad with one brief run as a backup and starter. Tie that in with the clearly personal biases and I dont find him credible.
  22. Really? 17 games vs 102 145 attempts vs 2633 Career PS and Backup vs Legit NFL Starter (albeit not a great one) 8 years in and out of the league vs 18 years in the leage Retired HS coach vs an NFL coach Yeah I totally see how thats a solid comparison /s
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