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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. Nah Football is a fall/winter sport.
  2. That a lot of assumptions for all that outrage.
  3. Who's bright idea was it to put the game on Peacock? I guess Ill be sailing the high seas to watch this one.
  4. Until this past season I never thought the team would struggle to find the end zone if the opposing defense just sat down and didnt play.
  5. These posts are funny. Its like your trying to convince someone we are the worst team in the NFL Its self evident
  6. Exactly There have been any number of times to be ashamed of supporting this franchise. Them loosing another game in a shitty season isnt one
  7. Are you actually ashamed by the performance of a bunch of men you dont know playing a game?
  8. Nah This is just a bad team. There have been times I was ashamed of the organization
  9. And while we are at it this one always makes me think of my mother in law
  10. My dad just past and this always made me think of him I miss you you old bastard
  11. Smashburger isnt bad even though the last few I was in has some sanitation issues that have been hard to get past.
  12. For as cliche and sad as it is... Any Given Sunday Hope springs eternal and Im just enough of an optimist that I want to be here when they catch lighting in a bottle. Ill be here because its what I do
  13. Never say never and all but they will not pull the team. The league went to some effort to realign teams so they made some geographical sense (with the exception on the NFCE) and there is not really a market that would continue to make sense to move the team to. Its just not even a reasonable threat.
  14. I live around the corner from one and every time somebody comes to visit me from North Carolina I get to go to In-N-Out Burger. if you’re just getting food for yourself or eating in it’s fine that half of the burgers are exposed but if you’re getting food for three or four people, it’s gross that the burgers are half wrapped.
  15. But did it come in a bag with other peoples food or was it served on a plate just for you?
  16. In-n-out sells unwrapped (well partially wrapped) burgers. Gross and unsanitary. no thanks.
  17. Best fast food burger is like saying best AB InBev beer. You can deff get something that isnt gross, but its still just fast food Im eating a Good Times cheese burger as I type this so...
  18. As a born and raised North Carolinian I'll fight whoever wrote that heresy.
  19. Beef isnt BBQ. It can be very delicious smoked meat. I had some in brisket in Austin once that was out of this world amazing. But it aint BBQ
  20. Aside from the fact that I can on any given day fight off a small army for either Eastern or Lexington style so its hard for me to put one above the other there is nothing but truth here.
  21. Nope. Maybe 10 years ago but nah
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