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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. Ive stated it quite clearly. Im irritated over the hyperbolic coverage. Im not worked over the national coverage or the coverage of the aftermath but the talk of the anticipated widespread devastation 500+ miles from where it came ashore and 100 miles from the path is ridiculous.
  2. Do you realize Im bitching about the way the weather team in my locality is reporting this?
  3. 43 in NC? Someone should tell Roy Cooper he just said 3. Youre doing exactly what I talking about
  4. In Greensboro, this was just another storm They said earlier today that the dam at lake lure was going to collapse but it didnt They canceled school in areas that just got rain They preempted regular programming to scare people into thinking that a hurricane was going to hit High Piont but it didnt Debby was worse but they wanted us to think this was going to be an apocalypse You're not understanding that Im annoyed by the ramped up "the sky is falling" way they are treating this weather event. This is why people dont believe weather forecasters when it really is going to be bad
  5. I dont take hurricanes lightly and have had some pretty big rows with folk who minimize them. This is going to be brutal on the Fla coast. Im exhausted by the weather people in the triad trying to scare everyone into believing this is going to be anything more than a bad storm. And I didnt say apocalyptic. Ed Mathews did
  6. Last forecast I saw was cat 3 and while that is fug-all dangerous my comment was more targeted at the apocalyptic language. Yes its bad No its not going to obliterate the panhandle
  7. FML they are acting like this is a life ending event
  8. Andy threw to eight different targets and connected with seven Sunday. He will need to poo the bed a couple of times to erase that and get the hook.
  9. Linkin Park without Chester is like Queen without Freddy
  10. Coach will wait until there are 2 back to back really bad outings
  11. I do. But Im a fan and not an employee. From my vantage point Adam is a malcontent that only talks poo about the team and their facilities. Im just some asshole online that wants them to win
  12. Ive never heard him or his wife ever say a positive word about the team and before you blast me you should know Im not on twitter, dont watch ESPN, or youtube dingbats and so all I hear is filtered through this site.
  13. Meh... Dont wish him permanent injury but Id be happier if I never had to hear him or his wife comment on the team again.
  14. I never cease to be amazed at the disparity in treatment women receive. Seems like once every week or so I hear a woman's story where her doctors didnt listen, they downplayed symptoms, or dismissed the level of discomfort she experienced. Sorry for your mom but Im afraid there is something broken when it comes to women's healthcare.
  15. I hear you and dont necessarily disagree but... That doesnt mean that the coaches in BOA will feel the same way. I think he gets a start or two to prove he isnt a lost cause
  16. He'll get another start when we are eliminated from the post season (lol thats anytime after today) to try and build trade value
  17. That headine should read more like - After an 2-19 start
  18. I really wanted to believe that folks with more direct access than me, with more real football knowledge than me, saw something in Young that I just couldnt see through my limited access. Disappointed thats turning out to not be so
  19. Anyone who answers this seriously needs to back it up with next weeks winning lottery numbers
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