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Evil Hurney

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About Evil Hurney

  • Birthday 05/02/1986


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. And if we don't spend it, it rolls over and offsets their cap hits next season.
  2. Not that surprising consider the report of trying to trade him with no suitors.
  3. I wonder if ISM needs a week or two. He seemed banged up in that last game.
  4. They've been churning after preseason games. I expect that to continue for at least the first week or two of the regular season.
  5. That sucks. Likely a target in the 5th. Had multiple visits with the Panthers.
  6. Like that they got a 2nd to replace the missing one next season.
  7. It's not even that expensive. To go to 31 or 32 would likely mean swapping a high 5th (141) for a low 5th (173 or 176).
  8. I'm wondering if this had something to do with the urgency to get something for Brian Burns:
  9. I assume to open up cap space when deals become official on Wednesday and to quickly pivot to the crop of unsigned edge rushers before they get claimed.
  10. Key takeaway: Multiple teams interested ... not just the Giants. Should help somewhat with the draft pick compensation.
  11. Bears overplayed their hand. Teams are doing to the Bears what the Panthers should have done to the Jets with Darnold. The second the Bears announce QB at pick #1, Fields trade value drops to a day 3 pick. Teams with a possible QB need (and aren't in range to draft the top 3 QBs): Minnesota Denver Teams with questions at QB: NY Giants Seattle Miami Dallas Cleveland Just to see what would happen: San Francisco
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