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Everything posted by blackcat

  1. LIke when Tiger Woods won the Masters a few years back. All is right with the world.
  2. That's already started in this thread. Could we call them something else though, like LetsGoBrandons? I drive and F150 and like this move.
  3. So many mixed emotions right now. Want 2015 Cam back but watched 2020 Cam play last year. Plus, I don't know how long he (or anyone) will last behind the "offensive line". I get that Cam is probably looking to showcase his talent and make it back to the league, but this might not be the safest place. If we thought Brady's playbook was small last week, just imagine what it'll look like with a new to the system QB. Did i mention the O line?
  4. This right here is what will happen. Rhule is safe for one more year, Brady and his varsity letter jackets is a goner. We use all 2 of our draft picks this year on OL and FA on OL and we'll see what Rhule (and Darnold b/c he'll be here) can do.
  5. Brady doesn't need an MRI, he needs a box to put all his letter jackets in and given a swift kick in the a$$ out.
  6. We're stuck with Sam through next year. We need to address OL and OL only this offseason and get rid of the varsity letter jacket wearing OC that sucks. Until the OL is addressed, it doesn't matter who is throwing the ball.
  7. Sounds like a match made in heaven....
  8. blackcat

    Henry Ruggs III

    From what I've read, 2 year min jail time in NV. Probation not an option if you kill someone.
  9. Same boat. Our family has had PSL's since the beginning and now I own them. I just don't care like I used to. 2015 was fun, but this team has had a history of mismanagement from Day 1 until this very day. My kids aren't interested and if they were, they'd only want to stay for the first half. I got spoiled last year watching it at home on the my porch and cooking out. I still like it when they win and still don't like it when they lose, but it's just not important to me anymore. I'll hold onto my PSL's and give them to customers/employees, but my days at BoA are over unless my kids want to go.
  10. Pickles averaged 120 yards a game, but I get it. Site traffic is down, gotta generate interest somehow.
  11. it's now looking that way....sheesh
  12. Sounds like he wants to get paid....would rather pay our own young talent than a 31 year old corner coming off of injuries.
  13. I think we go 3-2 over that stretch.
  14. I've always thought Rhule looked like a dude who would own a pizza shop.
  15. He's been cleared to lead the Keep Pounding cheers with Sir Purr and Mini Meow.
  16. Has anyone checked the players' jerseys to see if it still says it inside the collar? #WEDEMANDANSWERS
  17. Shaq actually went 1-3 in college on extra points.
  18. Man, I really hate Steelers fans. While they're fat and dirty, like most Bills and Ravens fans, their mouths spout out words nobody should hear, let alone say, in public. Not sad I'll be missing attending the game.
  19. But we've got 2 long snappers.......
  20. He's a local boy, which in the Richardson/Hurney/Rivera era meant something for some reason.
  21. You Luke was on the phone with TD, "dude, I could've gotten you a discount!"
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