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Everything posted by blackcat

  1. You ever own a business? You ever been accountable for 100's or 1000's of peoples' livelihoods depending on your decisions? During his time here, Hardy has wrecked on a motorcycle, photo'd his speedometer at over 100 mph, and shared the company of alleged elicit drug users, while also attempting to have a rap career, which as we all know is a genre of music that promotes drugs, killing, and the degradation of women. Now, if you're the man running a billion dollar business or a $5 business, do you keep a guy around who time and again has done things that could hurt your bottom line? No. Regardless of how good Hardy is and could be, you don't pay him $50 to play here next season, let alone millions. Mark my words, Hardy will get paid by someone else and his production will fall and his off the field activities will become more of a nuisance. Luckily, it won't be here.
  2. Is rather he be gone and we be able to sign some players, including own....Cam. Luke....
  3. yeah, I get that, I'm in the same boat as you. I just think it's a bit over the top to call in sick or use a vacation day b/c of the Super Bowl, especially if my team isn't in it.
  4. Dude I work with takes off the day after the SB, has done so for years. I'm not really sure why? I mean, do you party more for a game that your team is not even in?
  5. I hate both the teams in it and probably won't watch it. I'd honestly much rather be watching Sleeping Beauty with my 3 year old daughter, which is what we do every SINGLE night. If the Panthers were in it, that'd be a whole different story.....I would not be watching Sleeping Beauty.
  6. DearSaints, We finished the job Katrina started. Rocked you like a hurricane. Panthers.
  7. Time to go to trail

  8. Mama call the lawyer cuz it's time to go to trail.
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