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Everything posted by blackcat

  1. Santana Moss?? Isn't he some Latin guitar legend?
  2. What Bowden said isn't all that inflammatory, is actually quite true. In 2 years of playing football, Winston was accused of rape, was accused of stealing crab legs, and yelled profane statements repeatedly in the middle of campus. What's not embarrassing about all those things? But at this point, who cares? JW is done at FSU and has moved on, time for everyone else to move on as well.
  3. Imagine how much week one can buy with a 7th overall pick contract. a lot.
  4. I'm sorry Devil Doc, it does have some good parts, I'm a big fan of Lotus on Gaston Day School Road.
  5. Gastonia sucks, but it doesn't 'philly' suck.
  6. This is exactly why I think the suspension is more about how Hardy handled himself AFTER the assault than the actual assault itself. Guy is a hell of an athlete/football player, but he's shown that his judgment is more than questionable.
  7. Was one of them coked up while the other tossed her on the futon of rifles?
  8. So was the judge in Hardy's first trial speculating, too? I agree they're trying to make a stand, and should. If they're trying to appease anyone, it's the sponsors and fans who are the base of their business. IMO, not a bad thing to appease those 2 groups.....
  9. I wouldn't, but I can see why one would. To me, Hardy has always been and will continue to be a knucklehead. He's a great player, but IMO the risks out weigh the rewards. I think the NFL's 10 game suspension is about more than what Hardy did to that girl. I think it's also about how Hardy handled himself throughout the process, joking with fans, not cooperating with the NFL, etc. Hardy could be great, but I think he'll get in his own way again and I'm glad it's not going to be as a Panther.
  10. Wow. Anybody else glad we didn't resign him?
  11. I'm hoping for an NFCS opponent at home at 4:15.
  12. I just need to know how much slower these young guys are than me. I can run faster than the lynx line in CLT. Backwards.
  13. I agree with what you're saying, but I question Cam's reasoning. He's our franchise QB, he's going to get paid like one regardless of whether he signs today or next year. How much more $$ do you think he'd get by waiting till next year than if he signed one today?
  14. Don't forget, this is a business. JR isn't the sole owner, he heads a group of owners, that I'm sure were none the pleased that Hardy had repeatedly made mistakes. At the end of the day, he has to protect and grow the investment he and others have at stake in the business of the Panthers.
  15. Try saying that after you have your daughter nearly killed by an abusive partner....
  16. Guy's gotta make a living. No need to get your panties in a bunch. Luke ain't going no where's.
  17. Of course, he's waiting to see what his peers get paid. Who wouldn't? This may bode well for the Panthers if Seattle 'gets creative' like they've been talking about and somehow gets Wilson to accept less money in order to field a competitive team. Cam is the best to play QB for us, and I'd hate to see him go, but I think what this FA has taught everyone is that huge QB contracts end up fuging the team.
  18. I'd much rather pay for role players who can contribute than hamstring our finances trying to make a big splash in FA that doesn't quite fit with what we're going here. This team is young and will grow TOGETHER. Tossing in a high priced FA diva can upset what we have going and up end the direction we're heading.
  19. Very happy Ginn is back. In defense of Blondie, I heard a radio interview recently with him where they were asking about return duties. He pretty much said he reluctantly took over that job after Philly was hurt and really made it sound like he wouldn't have volunteered for it. Sounds like he knew it wasn't the best spot for him but couldn't tell the coaches no... but anyways, stoked we have a return man now. This better not be a one year deal!!!
  20. Forget Dickson, we still got that Swole Bones guy right?
  21. If he lands in Tampa, we'll be fine, unless DG populates the defense with children. The he will whip us savagely.
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