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Everything posted by blackcat

  1. The Councilman quoted also has isn't a fan of the current mayor, so there's that angle, too. Not saying RH isn't at fault here, but there's too many moving parts and lack of transparency from BOTH sides to say one side or the other is to blame....
  2. There's direct quotes from the city manager and mayor saying as such.
  3. I live in RH and this whole thing has seemed fishy since the beginning. The agreement was made really quickly, which is weird when a city wants to pony up $225 million, especially a city of RH's size. From what I've read just last night from RH's release which was posted earlier here, RH had an 'out' to not provide the funds if a 'reasonable' effort to obtain the bonds was made. I don't think all the information is out there, so it's hard to decide who's to blame. In my opinion, this is a complex situation and I'm sure both sides might share fault. We'll see....
  4. Meh, I think this all gets worked out. I think Tepp went into this deal knowing this was going to happen. I mean, who the hell thought RH could pony up $225m in the first place? It's Rock Hill!! Tepper is bluffing and he's sending a message to CLT to get ready and bend over. Yeah, he could pull the plug and have some financial losses, but his and the team's image will take more of a hit than his pocket book if they do move on from RH, even though it's not their fault RH couldn't pay in the first place.
  5. Nobody here knows the real story or the details of the contract between the Panthers and the City of Rock Hill. This is a 'he said/she said', with both parties claiming to be in the right. Apparently, Tepper wanted all 225 million up front, RH said that wasn't in the contract. We can all point fingers and blame Tepper or RH, but not one of here knows what's really going on.......
  6. Cam isn't who he used to be, but I'd love to see him behind an actual OL, not the garbage we had out there this year. I can say the same for Sam as well. I'd like to see what he can do with a good OL as well. That said, I don't think Cam is coming back here and I think that's HIS decision.
  7. NO is going to save tons of cash on prescription pills.
  8. I'm 10000% on board. THIS will get Rhule fired!
  9. @ladypanther Unfortunately, they 'thought' they addressed the OL with Erving and Elfline. They were terribly wrong on that.
  10. I mean, would we actually miss them?.......
  11. I'd be more than happy with this plan. Make it happen.
  12. Honestly, I don't mind this move. It will further cement Rhule's terrible choices at QB and maybe get Rhule and Darnold out of here faster. No reason for Cam to play and get rape murdered by Cam Jordan.
  13. Must be trying to make up for the preseason games he held him out of......
  14. Can win consistently if you OL sucks. Our franchise has been the model of this for years. When will the folks who run the place realize that? Tom Brady with Aaron Rodgers backing him up could be in our QB room and we'd still suck.
  15. I swear one his throws to DJ for a sliding catch/first down was rotating like helicopter blades....
  16. Judging from how he kept Hurney around for too long, I think he gives Rhule another year with the caveat that Rhule and Fitt focus on nothing but OL. Tepper has shown he's involved (ie, bringing Cam back), so it would shock me if he didn't dictate that OL and nothing but OL should be the focus.
  17. They're tied to Darnold next year, bottom line. They need to put every possible resource towards the OL and roll with Cam and Sam.
  18. ....and with a OL capable of protecting him.
  19. https://twitter.com/daringantt/status/1458952589463244800/photo/1
  20. I don't see them letting him walk again unless he really, really, really stinks the place up. With that said, if 2018 Cam shows up for the next few games, we sign him up for 3 years and get every OL lineman we can. Then win the Superbowl next year. It's pretty simple.
  21. This move means they're trying to win. He's playing Sunday.
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