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Everything posted by blackcat

  1. Anybody remember that killer game in the playoffs he had? All those sacks were awesome.
  2. Who would willingly go to Cleveland to play?
  3. And just think, 2 NFC South titles while working out of the cap hell.....can't wait.
  4. Love me some Dwill, but this is sour grapes and not relevant to his release. Fortunately, it will soon be forgotten and all that will remain will be all the good memories we have of him. Move on and learn DWill, the Panthers have.
  5. Knew this was coming, but thought he'd be a June 1 cut.
  6. A bag of trash could be used as a stop gap at SS to replace Roman Harper...
  7. Agreed. When Cam was drafted I recall JR saying Cam would be the last QB drafted while he was still alive. Cam has done everything JR has expected. He's gonna get paid. JR owns the team, Gettleman works for him.
  8. Nakamura.....that guy made me want to rip my eyes out of their sockets. I'd rather have Clausdn back then let that dude play for us again.
  9. The Rice situation was handled poorly, but that doesn't make what Rice did any less damaging to the image of the NFL? Would you want the company you run be know for fostering a culture of domestic violence? Do you not think that would affect the bottom line if everyone in the country/world knew were 'OK' with your employees beating the sh*t out of women and children? Didn't think so. An employee doesn't have to break a law in order to be punished by an employer. People get fired everyday for say, being late, but they don't go to jail for it. It's a privilege to play in the NFL, not a right. The NFL has the right to protect it's image and brand so it can remain a successful and profitable business.
  10. If it wasn't for Richardson, you'd still be a redskins fan. Take a second and think of that......
  11. But he has his budding rap career to fall back on. Plus, 13 mil should set him up nicely for the rest of his life.
  12. His last suspension earned him $13 mil, not sure how unfair that was for him....
  13. Before this season, NOONE know what the Commission's Exempt list, NOONE.
  14. If anything, this makes Greg look even worse......
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