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Everything posted by blackcat

  1. He's a fun guy to watch. He's going to get killed if he doesn't learn to slide. He took some big hits last night, even the commentators were mentioning it.
  2. Tepper is gonna stop in again and grab someone by the hat! Look out, the billionaire's feelings are hurt!
  3. BY by a mile. We didn't give up the farm to watch Clausen stink up the place.
  4. Not sure we'll have a team left if we stick with BY through 2025.
  5. I started to let go when we lost the Super Bowl and checked out for good when Cam left the first time. Since Tepper took over, this team has done nothing but stink and devoting any time/effort/mental space is a waste. I own PSL's and haven't been to a game since before Covid. There's just nothing to be excited about and I don't see that changing until after this season.
  6. Tepper should have fired anyone and everyone associated with last season, even the damn janitors. He didn't and we all see the results.
  7. This year doesn't count, but the next 2 will once he gets his QB in place. He doesn't show Tepper improvement/playoffs in year 3, he gone. Also, I think Bryce gets 8 games to 'prove it', then they pull the plug.
  8. Bring back Jeans Day Friday and we MIGHT get back on the right track. Everyone gave Richardson sh*t for not being able to put a winning team on the field back to back seasons, but he's 1000% better than Tepper. Tepper killed this team, killed the fan base, and even if he starts winning, I don't see myself ever having the same interest in the team as I did. My time is too valuable to spend it watching, let along attending a game, especially with the current suckage the team displays. Hope they get it turned around, but I'm not going to be there to witness it.
  9. I'm sure you're correct, Dalton is a much better QB than whoever played last night. My point is that Bryce and the starters should be out there getting as many reps as they can.
  10. Didn't watch the game, but Bryce and the starters need to be out there, period. If Bryce gets hurts, who really cares who the back up is?
  11. Somebody's going to take that poor kid's lunch money.....
  12. Rock Hill got a shiny new exit on 77 for the failed TepperWorld, no doubt they could do they same for Kannapolis.
  13. Seems like a waste of time/money if you're not going to put a dome on it.....and yeah, Tepper should be paying for all of it.
  14. The past 2 seasons have been pretty bad for HR....
  15. Maybe with the upgrade OL, we'll be able to score more than 1 TD in a game. That said, the defense is going to give up at least 1,000 points a game, so yeah, there's that. Is it possible to rank a defense worse than 32?
  16. I stopped caring about this team a long time ago, pretty much when they got rid of Cam (the first time). Since then, it's been a comedy of errors and I'm very happy I did 'check out'. I honestly don't know enough nor really care enough about current players and the decisions being made, but I did think that the Morgan hire was an error. Everyone involved in last year's sh*t show down to the janitor should have been let go.
  17. https://www.nfl.com/news/buccaneers-wr-mike-evans-agree-to-terms-on-two-year-deal
  18. With BY on his rookie deal, NOW is the time to 'break the bank', especially on an offensive unit with NO weapons.
  19. Burns wants to be paid more than any DE. The problem is that his play doesn't match. Dude should have taken the $27M, but now he'll get tagged for less $$$ and less security, which isn't that what players want?
  20. We've got much worse SuperBowl problems.....
  21. I'm sure it's old news (did scroll through 22 pages), but the RH radio station is reporting Evero is getting a 2nd interview.....
  22. I'll renew my PSL's, but only because I buy them through my business and use them as such. Also, if we host the Cowboys, I can recoup 1/2 of the entire season's cost right there. Other than that, no, I will not spend a dime on this team. I'll begrudgingly spend $$ to go see CLT FC play, but only if my son wants to go. Luckily, he likes the Independence games just as much, so that's my preferred choice.
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