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About blackcat

  • Birthday 01/25/1980

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  1. Good advice in here, don't listen to the realtor, they're looking for themselves, not you. I had to keep my HELOC open for 2 years before I could close it out without having to pay a penalty.
  2. Also, look for the stadium to be overrun with fat slobs from Buffalo. For the sake of everyone's eyes, lets hope it's a cold weather game. Last Buffalo game I went to was an early season and there were way too many Buffalo folks in way too small pants (and not in the good way).
  3. Great, with Dallas here again, I'll be able to pay for 1/2 of my season PSL's if I sell those tickets!
  4. I mean, I'd look pretty decent if I had Justin Jefferson or Mike Evans/Godwin to throw to. That said, I do not, so I sell fasteners instead......
  5. Said it before, but after last year's disaster, Tepper should have fired anyone and everyone associated with that season, even the f'ing janitor. This franchise is doomed until Tepper sells, bottom line. He simply can't keep his nose out of things and does nothing but hire 'yes men'. I checked out on this team years ago, so these moves/results don't bother me. I get that Tepper feels like he should play a part in his investment, but the problem is that he doesn't know what he's doing and wont hire/listen to people who actually do.
  6. Wait, we gave up Johnson AND a pick? For a 5th? I checked out on this franchise long ago, and this trade is why.
  7. Yeah, um, you had a chance to do something about it on the field. Payton is a doucher for sure, but I wish he was our Doucher to be honest.
  8. I went on hiatus when they took away Friday Jeans Day!
  9. He's a fun guy to watch. He's going to get killed if he doesn't learn to slide. He took some big hits last night, even the commentators were mentioning it.
  10. Tepper is gonna stop in again and grab someone by the hat! Look out, the billionaire's feelings are hurt!
  11. BY by a mile. We didn't give up the farm to watch Clausen stink up the place.
  12. Not sure we'll have a team left if we stick with BY through 2025.
  13. I started to let go when we lost the Super Bowl and checked out for good when Cam left the first time. Since Tepper took over, this team has done nothing but stink and devoting any time/effort/mental space is a waste. I own PSL's and haven't been to a game since before Covid. There's just nothing to be excited about and I don't see that changing until after this season.
  14. Tepper should have fired anyone and everyone associated with last season, even the damn janitors. He didn't and we all see the results.
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