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Everything posted by TheRed

  1. Looks good. It will look even better while I enjoy some delicious turkey.
  2. Nice work as usual. It's hard to say with Luck really. He's only 26. I think that football team as a whole is a bit of a mess right now. For me, I'm not going to be too hard on him because we have seen how things take a turn for the worse under these conditions with our own team before. It's for that reason that I am not going to be involved much in any piling on. I also am not at all completely writing off the Colts like some of our fans seem to be doing this week.
  3. I agree with you, he had a few off target, but he was throwing some nice passes too. I think on the Funchess tipped pass, Cam just rushed the throw. But Funchess has to start making a play on the ball if it reaches his hands, even he will tell you that. I think he will continue to grow. But it's obviously not all Newton's fault for these tipped balls, blaming the speed of his throws for drops when Olsen hauls them in consistently is a little silly. These sort of things are unfortunately going to happen sometimes when you have to rely on Ginn as your #1 WR. That Ginn interception should have actually been a reception anyway, as you can see in the image above from Jeremy.
  4. What would be the point? He already has three 100+ yard games this season. Yet his team is 1-5.
  5. I didn't realize that Steve already has 500+ yards on the season. Impressive for his age no doubt. What's interesting to me though, is he is putting up these big numbers (150 yards in one game, 186 yards in another, and 137 yards in their most recent game) but the Ravens have lost all of those games. In fact, the only game the Ravens have won so far this year, Steve only put up 24 yards. Obviously there are varying factors at work over there, the fact is though, forcing all of your offensive production to one player may show up great on the stat sheet, but that doesn't mean it's going to equate to actual wins. We have a great locker room right now, we have guys playing for each other. It's not about one player, or individual statistics, it's about winning, as a team. As for all the pettiness. leave the past where it is. The back and forth arguments from all angles are just a waste of time.
  6. People talking about the pass game being the problem, Ginn is our #1 WR, what the hell do you expect lol.
  7. Punting there is the ultimate limp noodle play. It's four down territory here.
  8. Did we just forget Jimmy Graham in the game plan or what?
  9. Is Funch planning on catching anything, like ever?
  10. I don't know about that, but I could go for some pizza rolls right about now.
  11. Jordan just tosses the ball out of Ryan's hands, and pushes him down like a kid in a schoolyard who just lost his lunch money. I can't lie, I lol'd.
  12. It's been a rough year for kickers so far. I actually began to feel bad for that Bucs kicker a few weeks back.
  13. Sounds like a generic douche fan that can be found in any football comments section anywhere. Kick him in the nuts, and leave him where he lays.
  14. For those wondering how the Falcons could look so bad against a team like the Saints this year, just remember they almost lost to the Redskins this past weekend. Honestly kind of seems like the players started buying into their own hype after that beatdown against the Texans in Atlanta.
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