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Everything posted by TheRed

  1. Also, lol at blasting KB for putting up "garbage time stats" while praising Beckham Jr. and Evans for doing the same thing.
  2. I admit that both Beckham Jr and Evans are damn good, but referring to them as "much better" like KB is a scrub unworthy to even be in the same conversation just shows how flawed your opinion of the kid is. Rookies experience ups and downs. I'm not making excuses for his drops, but if your entire argument is based on "KB, WHY U NO CATCH FOOTBALL, I'M SO ANGRY ARRRRGGHHHH" while ignoring all the variables of the situation he walked into as a rookie, then you need to take another look.
  3. Then you are completely missing the picture. KB went through the drops yes, but he was a rookie, and also our our top target taking on secondaries often by himself. Who else did we have in our WR group that scared defenses, Cotchery? Yeah right. Corey Brown eventually came in, but he had to find his groove. For Kelvin to come in as a rookie and put up 1,000+ yards and 10 TD's as our top WR threat as a rookie is damn impressive. If anything you should be thankful, not talking poo about the guy. Especially considering the fact that he is only going to improve, and he is still on a rookie contract for the next 3 seasons. When you combine him with Cam Newton, there is plenty to smile about. Nice video btw.
  4. I think Ginn is simply trying to drive his price up a little bit more with all this talk of going back home to Cleveland. He knows their QB situation, he already went through one similar to that last season in Arizona.
  5. Certainly wasn't expecting it. But the more I look at it, seems like Buffalo hasn't learned too much.
  6. He's on a reasonable rookie contract through 2016. The Vikings have all the leverage. I highly doubt a 4th rounder will get it done. That's borderline dreaming honestly.
  7. Patterson isn't leaving Minnesota anytime soon.
  8. Yeah I kind of felt the same way. I'm definitely enjoying the show though, just hoping things pick back up soon.
  9. Bump. Who's still watching?
  10. If you disagree lay out some facts to refute it, you don't have to disguise it with a sarcastic question. We stood by him throughout the process initially, even letting him play 1 game, only until the NFL started getting berated by the media did our front office do a complete 180 and suddenly take a moral stance on domestic violence. It only made us look like hypocrites.
  11. The NFL can do whatever they want, as we have clearly seen. Lately though they've been looking rather foolish. As far as what Hardy was doing with his time off, if he wasn't breaking the law, I really don't care. I wasn't happy about paying him all that money for one game either, he is clearly responsible for most of that, he needs to make better decisions, like now. But our ownership decided to put the NFL ahead of the franchise, crocodile tears don't change that.
  12. Yes you are right, they are different. Ray Rice admitted what he did, and he was on camera plain as day doing so. Hardy on the other hand never admitted he did anything wrong, any evidence of him doing so was limited to he said she said, and his case was dismissed. Yet even with those clear differences, Rice was still able to stick it to the NFL. Don't be surprised if Hardy does too.
  13. Greg Hardy should and likely will appeal any suspension by the NFL. All the NFL has managed to do with the Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson suspensions is come out with egg all over their face. They will only further embarrass themselves if they try to make an example out of Hardy.
  14. Wouldn't surprise me. Ginn was more eager to prove himself when we signed him back in 2013. Doesn't look like Arizona got the same guy we did when they signed him. Personally I wouldn't mind having him here for a cheap contract, but if he signs elsewhere we can just look to the draft.
  15. I haven't seen him mention that he was personally "treated unfairly". He is however unfortunately using the death of his mother to paint the organization and it's players in a negative light. Which as I stated in another thread, is unfortunate, and I doubt that his mother would want her name caught in a petty spat through the media. You made a terrible argument, it happens. We've all made mistakes.
  16. It's pretty asinine to attempt to just remove the money from the equation considering the sheer amount. He was generally a fan favorite and well liked in his time here. He also was paid very well, to play a sport that he likes very much, arguably more than he should have been, and if he is responsible with his money he should be set for life. To even attempt to mention that in the same breath as a fast food worker basically making minimum wage to support themselves and their family is unbelievably stupid. I'm sorry, but that's just the plain truth of the matter.
  17. Pretty awful comparison. 10 years in a fast food joint making $9 an hour doesn't even crack $175k before taxes. Deangelo Williams made more than 100 times that just in guaranteed money alone on his contract back in 2011.
  18. I have to wonder if Deangelo's Mother would appreciate him making such a petty media spectacle like this over her death. Seems kind of disrespectful to her memory.
  19. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the new movie in the works ends like much like the recent G.I. Joe movies.
  20. Oh wow. This could go down as one of the better threads in the history of the huddle.
  21. Some guy named CelibatePimp takes issue with ass licking. Strange.
  22. My only hope is that our staff has learned their lesson from that. But then I remember how many good punt returners we've had since Steve Smith.
  23. Do you want to watch Bersin return punts, or Ginn? I think the answer is obvious.
  24. That's only the beginning. Buckle in.
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