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Everything posted by TheRed

  1. I don't really disagree, but I just don't see that likely happening. Hopefully we can draft a decent WR.
  2. You've mentioned this before, but I will note it again, we have not had a 1,000 yard rusher since 2009. Olsen, and KB are damn good, but we really need Cotchery to step up this season.
  3. Eventually he wasn't allowed to make threads anymore, looks like it's time to do that again.
  4. Worth noting that most of the people on this board were fairly rabid Hurney homers at one point. Remember when people would praise him as a cap guru lol.
  5. I just hope that we don't end up wasting years of KB's career with inadequate help like how we did Steve Smith for so many seasons. Maybe one day Corey Brown could grow into that, who knows.
  6. I'm not saying he won't or can't. But we thought this with Byron Bell too. Not to mention Chandler at RT. We know how that worked out. At some point you are going to have to take a risk and stop relying on project type players to protect your franchise QB.
  7. I don't see Bradford being much of a bargaining chip in moving all the way up to draft Mariota. If Kelly really wants Marcus Mariota, it's going to end up being a Robert Griffin type of trade, and it could set Philly back for years. We'll see I guess.
  8. Yeah I agree with you. I thought this was a bad trade for St. Louis until I saw the picks Philly gave up. I think Bradford could be pretty good in Kelly's offense if he can stay healthy. Problem is, Kelly has already traded away his best WR, and RB. Considering Bradford's injury history, that's not exactly a recipe for success the way I see it. But maybe Chip knows better.
  9. Meh, if he he's good on special teams then sign him for cheap. We still need to at the very least take a look at some of these other WR's on the market though.
  10. It's turning into a real train wreck over there in Philly. Anyone seen Johnny Rockets?
  11. Things obviously worked out pretty well in 2013. 2014 though, 2 of the 3 WR's we signed didn't even finish the season on the roster, one didn't even make it out of preseason. Jerricho Cotchery was someone who I was hopeful would step up, but for the most part he never did. We cannot repeat that this year. We signed Cotchery to be our #2, but Ted Ginn put up better numbers and more points in 2013 as our #3. Signing Ginn back is certainly a start, but at the very least we need to look for an upgrade over Cotchery. With the production he put up last year we could replace that for virtually nothing, so acquiring an improvement won't exactly break the bank.
  12. Damn right. Is there any other way?
  13. Are people really this mad about Bersin? He would be like our 5th WR, and he might not even make the final roster this year. I'm more concerned about the #2, we signed Cotchery as a guy our QB could count on, and unfortunately he disappointed all too often.
  14. After experiencing a shaky quarterback situation in Arizona, I think the similar circumstances in Cleveland ultimately lead him back to Carolina. He had his best season in years playing with Cam. At the end day, money is important, but guys want to compete too.
  15. I don't get the disdain for Bersin. He never should have been returning punts anyway. He can contribute at WR. Just not as the first fugging read in a playoff game. I'm looking at you Shula.
  16. Happy with the signing, he fills a special teams need obviously and he has chemistry with Cam. We still need to be looking to upgrade the WR core though. Cotchery was all too unreliable last year.
  17. Chandler was hot garbage playing at tackle, and that's putting it nicely.
  18. I would say focus/concentration. Which is very much correctable. Huge plus this offseason is that he will have even more time to work with Proehl and get on the same page with Newton.
  19. How do you know it was "lack of effort", or that he wasn't "playing hard"?
  20. Yet people scream about how quarterbacks are getting paid so much. It's not just limited to QB's, NFL contracts in general are only headed up. It's beginning to look like the MLB. That is never going to change as long as there are teams like the Dolphins who will offer just about anything because they are so desperate.
  21. I could maybe at least sort of begin to understand this terrible argument that PF has offered here if Kelvin Benjamin did not have clear good character and an obvious desire to not only want to play here, but improve, and he's very close with our franchise QB. When you add all the factors in, I'm sorry, but this drivel being offered to argue that KB is a "disappointment" is foolish at best.
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