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About cabello

  • Birthday 01/05/1985

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. The Vikings does not have a winning record either, I would love to beat them if you ask me. You play whoever you have in your schedule
  2. We started 3-0 in 2021 and then what happened? tampa and Atlanta can go Down as well
  3. You do realize the more teams with a sb ring makes the Panthers look worse
  4. You now have one more week to play and one more spot in the playoffs so that percentage is going to increase in the upcoming years
  5. Clearly you werent around in 2002 eh en Atlanta scored 41-0 and 30 something - 0 against us
  6. i have been bullied for almost 10 years by my brothers because i root for the panthers even this record breaking year keep pounding
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