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  1. Ok ChibCU or mini CAM - I will go back to my Thermodynamics and Quantum Physics class to try and determine how your team can actually win again.
  2. Done talking to y'all now and can't wait to beat your team with Lobber Legs again. By the way at FSU it wasn't crab legs... Have fun believing that your team will actually have a winning record again with no coach.
  3. joemac if you looked at the stats, you would see that the Saints didn't get called for more illegal hits then most teams the year of the so called bounty program. Badell used the Saints as an example and in turn tried to help every other team in the South/NFC. If it was such a bad program, don't you agree that the refs calls would show they were dirty plays with yellow flags?
  4. That was a fair hit HUDDLER against Favre and even Favre admitted it. I was referring to the no call against the RAMS while your team was at home eating popcorn. And all the crap we put up with b/c Badell wanted to make an example out of our team for so many years (BS bounty program that most teams were running). Don't give me the BS, we know our team was playing just as fair as every other team in the NFL.
  5. Have a good day kungfoodude! Just stating my opinion - no offense and good luck! Drew really did a lot with a poor defense but his ability to carry the team late in his career was decreasing with age. At one point his ability was on the same level of the QBs you mentioned, especially Mahomes. Sean wanted Mahomes in that draft by the way, but KC jumped us to grab him.
  6. Have a good day kungfoodude! Just stating my opinion - no offense and good luck!
  7. Leave it to your Coach and a lot of players look like one star players except CM. To bad y'all are ruining CMs career and using him to much.
  8. TMJ was a five star player; however, was always injured in college.
  9. kungfoodude The only choking Drew did was to your team's playoff dreams. With a good defense during his prime and fair refs, Drew would have had at least three rings. At least your team didn't lose the SB after being up 28-3 .
  10. And how can Baker ever be the leader Drew was for the Saints?
  11. Y'all have jokes, Baker doesn't have the leadership skills Drew Brees had while in the NFL and TMJ would do fine if your team could actually stop going through backup QBs and actually find a real one. However, he was injured in College a good bit. You need to start by firing your coach, that keeps getting every other team's trash.
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