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Everything posted by topdaug

  1. what is too far north? Cleveland is only 40 miles in from that lake. Have you just never watched Cleveland play at home in November and December. It is common knowledge about how badly the winds swirl in that stadium. Plays hell with the passing game and special teams play
  2. @rippadonn its not the turf or grass its freaking wind, rain, and snow coming off lake Eerie.
  3. He was top 5 during the last half of 2020. They almost beat the Chiefs the first game of 2021 and then he got hurt in the beginning of the second game of 2021 and played hurt all year. Any talk about his 2021 play should have huge asterisk. He most likely would have done at least as well as back half of 2020 if he hadn't gotten hurt. He tried to play through it which was the wrong decision and probably incorrectly believed the Browns wouldn't hold his play against him due to the injury.
  4. Those saying Bree's completion pct was better than Baker's need to remember Brees played in San Diego and a dome in New Orleans. Baker spent the past 4 seasons playing in much worse weather that definitely affected the passing game and the only consistent wideout he had was Jarvis - who has great hands, but is slow as molasses. His completion pct at OU was 69.8.
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