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Leeroy Jenkins PhD

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Everything posted by Leeroy Jenkins PhD

  1. Awesome that you guys are using Periscope. Way to be up on the technology!!!!! Awesome job as always
  2. I hope Rivera runs their asses into the ground this week
  3. I didn't think we needed to resign Cole or Edwards. They are proving me right
  4. With how much talent we have on this roster, I hope we are able to trade a player like Fozzy or Glanton.
  5. Brandon Williams vs Adarius Glanton. (If B-Will ever decides to practice again)
  6. Jake Longs asking price has been reportedly too high. He has visited Denver, Atlanta, and New York without receiving a contract. It appears he wants top LT money coming off two ACL injuries. News reports he is currently weighing his options. I hope we at least bring him in for a visit.
  7. I know it is the 3rd day of camp, and I don't want to overreact. But, we should be taking a strong look at Jake Long right now.
  8. WSOCTV Charlotte reports Panthers WR Stephen Hill was cited for a drug paraphernalia charge after a routine traffic stop.The drug paraphernalia charge isn't extreme by any means, but Hill is a guy who can't afford any off-field problems after he's been an extreme disappointment on it. The former second-round pick of the Jets had reportedly been a revelation in Panthers spring practices. Hill doesn't have a history of trouble with the law. Jul 29 - 10:52 AM
  9. The NFL needs a developmental league. It can even have teams in Mexico and London. Build the brand and give us football year round.
  10. They are obviously trying to copy Zaxby's sauce. Which they never will.
  11. Funny how posts on carolinahuddle trump anything you can read from the "major sports networks."
  12. Chandler will likely make the team for financial reasons. It would cost the team to cut him. His versatility is also nice.
  13. ​What kind of furniture are you moving that is intelligently resisting you?
  14. You have to remember, Bersin was seeing his first major game-play last year. If he can make the 2nd year improvements that most WRs do, we could have a good young core of WRs.
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