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Leeroy Jenkins PhD

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Everything posted by Leeroy Jenkins PhD

  1. I never bet money on Carolina, mainly because I can't separate my heart from my betting. But, Panthers -4.5 was too good to pass up.
  2. I may or may not have messaged her dad about being a whiney bitch on FB.
  3. Came here to hear the bipolar bitches, was not disappointed.
  4. I really doubt it happens but would celebrate just as loud as the Olsen winning TD catch against Seattle if we brought him back
  5. I need this...... Most bad-ass picture ever. @‌law1984ecu The Texans players I see in my office are going to love it.
  6. I actually heard a theory that with the NFL paying close attention to ball pressure, kickers haven't been able to manipulate them like in the past.
  7. This may be a little controversial but I am going to say it. I was not very impressed with Devin Funchess in that interview. Unlike other players you have had, that seem to have a drive for greatness, he did not. It is really hard to describe why I felt so offput by him. It was a combination of his responses and attitude. I hope he proves me wrong, but I just did not hear the things I wanted to hear.
  8. The original Poltergeist was pretty damn scary. So was Pet Cemetery.
  9. Anytime you can beat a division opponent in their house, that is a great win. Lets run some clock and get out of here.
  10. If we were up by 2 scores, you guys wouldn't be happy would you?
  11. We are up 3 scores and people are bitching about running lanes...... let them run the ball and the clock all day.
  12. All you PANZY ASS FANS crying and bitching about how were gonna lose this game at half time can go suck it.
  13. Division game on the road and yall are completely shitting on your team. Get it together guys. If we get out of here with a win, that is great!!!
  14. They will not get 7 before the half. I will make a sig bet with you
  15. When they are bringing more guys than you can block, you need to run the screen. And not to Bersin. Happy to see the screen pass. Sucks that it was called on 3rd and 50.
  16. I hate this chat, and I hate you guys. This blow-out is crazy. How can the Panthers be losing by this much!!!
  17. LMFAO we have 3 turnovers!!! 1 pick 6. Are you shitting me?
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