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Everything posted by blahblah312

  1. I got another bright idea, how about we get DJ involved in the game.....I dunno he is kinda explosive when he gets the ball sooooo....perhaps we can give it to him to? IJS
  2. Oh, look at that....we ran the ball more than we threw it and good things suddenly happened
  3. oh look, we are giving the ball to CMC and the momentum starts to change....imagine that
  4. We almost had a fumble last time, I am guessing an interception this time around......
  5. LMAO...here comes the clown car that is our offense......can't wait to see what type of tomfoolery we are in for....I am sure their will be a lot of passing to the other team, a couple of sacks mixed in there and a lot of batted balls...I can't wait
  6. Oh look more of the same, those half time adjustments have been awesome!
  7. I thought if you were a pro you were supposed to be able to tackle...IJS
  8. well Imma kick back and eat some wings, best part of this game so far....
  9. I can't wait to see these half time adjustments....this out to truly be funny
  10. Wow great timeout, just brilliant give them time to change there minds
  11. wow imagine that CMC touches the ball and something positive happens....who knew
  12. horrid...... So glad I did not spend any money on tickets for this...jeez
  13. Well looks like this season we are in for yet another bumpy ride.....this is god-awful football.
  14. Mr Scot, I have not been on this forum since about 2015 and I see you are still on here....which is awesome...you always were and continue to be a stat guy. It's good to see you are still huddling and that ...my old handle by the way was sagaciouspanther....
  15. There are so many moving parts to this response and I will preface this by saying when Jake showed up and we went to the Superbowl.....yeah good times I remember them well. All that said, leading a comeback with a stacked o-line, a hell of a running game, and good to great wide recievers being the number 1QB is a lot different than being the number 4 QB, with JAG's and on the road. IJS....I respect Jake and always will for what he did, but come on mannnnn.....at least I agreed with you in part but I see Jake is a sore spot for you so I won't challenge the other parts I referred to earlier that showed up early in his career that could be put into this which ultimately made him into "Shaky Jake" all that said...give the new kid a break, wait and see before you judge.
  16. I guess you told us....thank you for that detailed analysis...it sure has changed my opinion. I now think of Baker as the best QB in the universe thanks on the insights you provided. I am a much better fan now because of it.
  17. I can agree with this in part, but the counter is this is the first game of preseason, he was working with JAG's on the road, and in general, outside of Cam's first game, I haven't really seen any Panther QB in their first start do much of anything, including Jake the Snake...IJS...way to early to form an opinion.
  18. Oh yeah, and Baker is not a top ten QB. He is a top ten commercial marketing guy though so there is that.
  19. Unfortunately missed the first half of the game and came in when PJ was playing. I dunno if it was the caliber of who he was playing against but he looked a bit better. Maybe he knows he is going to be cut and is trying to make some convincing tape. That said, no one should have expected Corrall to come in and light it up based on who was playing with him. I saw a kid who was a bit jittery, hadn't adjusted to the speed of the game yet, and was overall just trying to do to much. All of that is coachable. All that said, give the kid a break and some time. He just might turn out to be something special.
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